
Stupid roof guy?

by  |  earlier

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so my dad is out of town and one the roofs of our rental properties are leaking. I called a few companies & this one guy I talked to is overbearing and asking private q's like "what's your husbands name"-I don't have one!-this is what I say-then he says he'll do a free estimate but he wants me to meet him. i tell him i am busy so he can just call me with the estimate (it's free anyways as most companies offer free estimates) but he was so persistent about meeting to give me a fricken estimate in person that I just said yes. after i got off the phone, I was mad and don't even want to meet this overly prying creep and my dad's not back for a week. should I just not show up or tell him the roof is fixed so his service is not needed?




  1. Just call back and say you're uncomfortable with the meeting and since he doesn't seem to be able to give an extimate without meeting, you're going to go with another company that's more considerate of your needs.

  2. The guy may be a stalker/rapist. DO NOT under ANY circumstances meet him. Call him back and tell him you found someone else cheaper to do the job.

  3. I would call him back and said your brother did it for free, or something like that.

    He shouldn't be asking questions like that!!! If he comes around, ask him to leave. Then if he doesn't leave, call the cops right away!!! (make sure you tell him that you are going may help the process)

    Don't give him any more information, even if you have to make it up. I would start planning now.

    Also, call them and speak to the person in charge, boss, manager, owner...etc. Let them know what happened, I hope you remember the guys name.

    I hope this helps. Be safe, there are a lot of creepers out there!!!!

  4. Call him up and tell him that you have found someone else and want to cancel the appointment.  If he persists, hang up.  You're being too nice... and he's being a creep.

  5. DO NOT go meet this guy! Something weird is up and he may try to take advantage of you! Call your dad immediately!

  6. Darling, you are 22 yo and you would tolerate this type of behavior from a business man?  I mean really, how desperate are you for this estimate?  This man would have hearing loss from me SLAMMING the phone down so hard in his ears, he wouldn't be able to hear for a month or from the whistle I keep  by the phone.  Now he knows an address of property your family owns, your phone number and I bet its not much of a stretch to figure you gave your address for him to send the estimate to, eh?  Grow a pair, and simply call him and tell him your brothers, the police detective, IRS agent, and parole officer will meet him at the property and simply let him sit there till Hades freezes over.  You owe him NOTHING but a simple hangup.  NEVER, ever tolerate such behavior from men, it shows weakness and should be met with a simple "Good day" and hanging up.  Giving personal information to strangers that they are not entitled to is simply stupid in this day and age.  Surely there are plenty of other roofers in the area that are reliable, well behaved and trustworthy.  Try getting in touch with them and dismiss Mr. Nosy and Overbearing!  Even the kids at my house know not to answer questions from strangers or from family for that matter.  They are instructed to either NOT ANSWER the phone or to refer anything of consequence to me immediately, I deal with idiots promptly and swiftly.  I had a guy who was talking online to a little 10 yo niece of mine, who was simply checking her AOL account, she immediately came and got me and we swiftly dealt with him by having the police invited to his home.  Needless to say, he got to explain to them why he was asking questions of a 10 yo girl and have all the neighbors see them at his house and explain the misunderstanding to his 30 yo wife!  This guy is a beast, do not entertain him or give him ANY further information or the time of day.  If he calls and you answer, tell him his services are not needed or that your older brother, the IRS agent wants to speak to him.  I assure you, he will go missing promptly!  Hope this helps you!  Good luck!

  7. I would make a point NOT to meet him. Do not let creeps like this push you around. Put the dial tone back in their ear. When they come out with the first question that does not  pertain to the work or estimate. Tell him he just lost a customer and hang up.

    You can't be too cautious! I wouldn't want a rude person like that to work for me.

  8. i think he was trying to flirt with you and he asked you if you were married because he wanted to find out if you are available.... you need to make it clear that you are not interested in him...

    that's also way he wants to meet you in person

  9. Call him back and tell him you won't be needing his services, and hire someone else!!

  10. If he's making you uncomfortable trust your instincts. He's probably a creep. There's know reason why he should need personal info to quote a roof job. Call him back and tell him you don't need his services.
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