
Stupid welfare recipients having dumb children just to get money?

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Ok...for all those that believe or have said or thought the above statement, please answer the following questions:

1. How many people do you personally know that are on public assistance?

2. How many of those do you feel are actually having babies for more money?

3. How do you know they are and don't you consider them evil?

I know many people on public assistance and have never met one person that I felt had a child or more children in order to receive more assistance. I think this is a myth.

I have met people on assistance that I do not believe are mentally capable of getting off, or that are not motivated, or that are lazy in my opinion. But those types of people are all over the place, I have a coworker in every one of those categories....




  1. Very true.  I have met many on assistance.  I have only met a small handful that actually wanted to stay on.  One was a lady that sold drugs.  Another, her and hubby and 2 kids have been on since her youngest was small and he is almost 18.  Her and her hubby have never both had jobs at the same time and both have worked on and off.  She got her tubes tied after her 2nd child though.  Most I have met actually want to get off, but sometimes it is harder off than on.

    I am on welfare.  I go to college full time and am doing a full time unpaid intership in a hospital so I can get a good paying job and get off welfare.  I have one child and would seriously cry if I got pregnant again because it is so hard raising one on welfare.  I just want off and to make good money to support my son and then later find a good man and have more babies.

  2. I've heard one of them say " I want a bigger color TV, I'll just get knocked up, and spit out another b*****d "   That is an actual quote. Bingo out came a kid. 2 months later a BIG color TV was delivered.  Don't call them stupid, smart is a better word

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