
Stupids driving the planet into environmental disaster?

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why are we letting this to go on can we not come together and stop stupid or are on for the ride ?




  1. Another environMENTAList teaching the world new skills in

    communication and techniques to "save the planet" - wow!

    However you spoiled it by referring to normal people as  


  2. 1)  Learn to type.

    2) Learn to spell.

    3) Learn grammar.

    4) Call other people stupid.

  3. we are putting our stupid greenhouse gases into the atmosphere from our fancy little cars. im glad that we found the hybrid! but there is much more than just cars. its factories, pollution, and many more things. we need to stop this choas to save our only planet to live on!!!


  5. We are destroying the environment because of all of the benefits.

    Transporting our goods from China, and our fruit from Central America gives us cheep goods, and fruit we can't get in our own countries. The fuel used to transport these items harms the environment.

    Driving a car or taking the bus is faster than walking.

    My computer is powered by coal power plants that pollute the air, or hydro dams that flooded huge tracks of land because I don't want to spend my money on generating my own wind or solar.

    You are demanding that "we" come together, but I'd bet my life that you don't buy all of your food or clothes from farms and manufacturers in your city, and that your home uses electricity from the grid as well.

  6. "why are we letting this to go on can we not come together and stop stupid or are on for the ride ?"

    Speaking of stupid...This sentence is unintelligible.

  7. Yes I know!! why the h**l are we not stopping global warming?

    People seem to not care that we are going to be burned to death by the sun!! A SMART choice would to be stop using oil. DUHHHH people.... Wars on the other hand are just as stupid!!

  8. Global warming is a fairy tale used to scare little children into going to bed early.

  9. Maybe because there is no scientific data to support your statement. How about we call you stupid for not knowing the science behind the lie.

  10. exactly who is stupid....some said global warming has to be true even president bush agrees......, i have some wmd's i keep hidden i my box of cheerios.....if your are interested.

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