
Stutterer going into new school year?

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Alright, I'm 15 and I stutter. My soccer preseason starts tomorrow and I might have to introduce myself to my new coach, do you think I should call him aside in the beginning and explain to him that I stutter, or take the risk of being embarrassed in front of everyone if he asks our names? Also.. going into the new school year I'm going to have to introduce myself and say my name (which I particularly have trouble with). I am pretty nervous going into school because of my stuttering problem and I feel I actually wouldn't mind or hate school like most of my friends and other guys do.. anyone have any strategies? Someone told me the method of saying "s***w what they think" and that you don't need those people anyway but I don't know if this is really enough. By the way, my name begins with a "K' if anyone can offer any help. Thanks!!




  1. Well i personally agree with your saying of s***w what they think.

    Seriously, if people are gonna make a big fuss about someone stuttering, then they are just immature and need to grow up.

    I wouldn't worry about it.

    But if you are self conscious about it, then pull your coach aside.  

  2. Saying words that start with "k" are hard when you stutter.  You have to learn to relax your speech muscles and have a light touch on the beginning of the word.  

    Try these resources:  there are videos online that show speech therapists working with stutterers; watch them and learn some techniques.


    Meet others who stutter here

    stutteringchat on Yahoo groups

    Contact The Stuttering Foundation of America as that is where our family got help. Their book "Self Therapy for the Stutterer" worked wonders after working through it step by step.  Part of the book can be found here

    Some medications that other stutterers have tried include lorazepam, citalopram, and buspar.  Ask your doctor about trying an anti-anxiety medication while you are working on your stuttering.  Be aware that your stuttering may be better than the side-effects of the medication, though.

    Each stutterer is different, and a therapist who specializes in treating stuttering will be able to determine what will help you the most as they work with you.

  3. My husband used to stutter when he was younger & at school,his parents took him to a speech therapist to over come this.He no longer stutters but when he is upset or nervous he tends to stutter a little.So hold your head high & try not to be nervous.Stand up for who you are & be proud.

  4. Well, I'm 14 and I stutter myself. It's not chronic, and it's really not that bad for me, but I stutter, and I hate it.

    My advice, is you should definitely pull your coach aside and tell him your problem. Then he will understand and he won't have to think about what could possibly be wrong with you when you speak, and maybe telling him will also make you feel more safe talking in front everyone cause you know at least one person understands.

    For me, my name begins with an "S" - "Safia", and, sometimes, boy is it hard to say when I introduce myself.

    I think the most important thing to do, is just think this; don't care what other people think of you when you stutter. You stutter, and that's just how you are; maybe there's a cure, or maybe there isn't, but you need to do things that you want to do, and don't let stuttering stop you. Do WHATEVER you want in life, FORGET about your stuttering, there are SO many stutterers, and you SHOULDN'T let it ruin your life.

    Good luck!!!!


  5. My dear... anyone who makes fun of a person who stutters in a complete jerk... very vile person.  I don't think your soccer teammates will mind.  That's the cool thing about being on a team.  There is a lot of commrodery amongst teammates.  Good luck.

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