
Sty talk withheld number when not requested?

by  |  earlier

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I have just signed up with Sky talk for both my land line and phone calls from BT. Even though I have not requested "withhold number" many people I phone using my land line see my number displayed as "with held". I have phoned Sky and they say I have not got

"withheld number" and don't know why. I don't believe them as I have found many theads on the internet from customers stating the same problem. Does anyone know the reason why?




  1. Sometimes they get this wrong and when they do they tend to err on the side of caution (to avoid being prosecuted for data protection violations) and set your number to witheld by default. You may have asked to be ex-directory and the person setting up your account ticked an extra box for withheld as well - this often happens.

    Keep calling them and they should be able to fix it for you, but in the meantime if you prefix your calls with 1470 it should allow your number to be shown to the person you're calling.

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