
Stye on my eye?

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I have this sore spot on my eye, it's like right where my eye lashes come out of the eye..its so sore..i guess thats a stye? how do i get rid of it besides not wearing make up for a day or two? does anyone know what i am talking about?




  1. Most styes go away on their own in 5-7 days.

    Apply warm compresses 4-6 times a day for about 15 minutes at a time to help the drainage. Keep your eyes closed.

    Gently scrub the eyelid with tap water or with a mild, nonirritating soap or shampoo (such as baby shampoo). This may help with drainage. Close your eyes as you scrub so you do not injure your eyes.

    Do not squeeze or puncture the sty. A more serious infection may occur as a result.

    Discontinue the use of eye makeup as well as eye lotions and creams because they may be infected.

    Discontinue wearing your contact lenses because the sty may cause an infection to spread to your cornea with the continued use of your contacts

  2. Get rid of your mascara and brush. Don't use it again.

    Wash your eye lids with baby shampoo and rinse well with warm water. Use washed finger tips to gently rub your lids.

    Hold a very warm moist cloth to your closed eye several times a day. At least 3 time a day and at bed time, with a cotton tip swab apply triple antibiotic salve ( neosporin ),

    to the base of your eye lashes, where the hair and skin meets.

  3. i had one of these before. it was under my eyelid. i would put a warm/hot rag on it and hold it there a while. if you do that as often as you can it will get smaller and smaller until its gone. if it doesnt, you might want to see your eye doctor.

  4. Mix 2 parts warm water to 1 part baby shampoo.  Use an eye cup to rinse your eye a few times a day.  It will relieve the pain and help it go away quicker.
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