
SuRvEy<:: - ::> What's the worst thing that ever happened to you in a doctor's waiting room?

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SuRvEy<:: - ::> What's the worst thing that ever happened to you in a doctor's waiting room?




  1. the doctor threw me a bucket of popcorns.

  2. Many years ago in the &quot;psychedelic&quot; &quot; 60s I was terribly ill with some strain of influenza that was going around at the time. A woman was holding her child as she was passing by me when the child forcibly ejected a stream of green and orange slime directly into my lap. I then retaliated with my own huge regurgitation to the other side of where I was sitting onto another waiting patients shoes. This continued in progression with 7 of the 13 people in the waiting room at the time. Nurses and receptionists were going berserk trying to get janitors to spread enough cat litter to clean up the mess. It wasn&#039;t until about 6 years later that I realized why there were bags of cat litter in the utility closets in clinic waiting rooms.

  3. It took 3 hours

  4. Bad gas.

  5. I passed out after I told them at the desk that I was dizzy. They told me just have a seat. I didn&#039;t make it that far. What sucks is that I was 8 months preg.

  6. It was crowded and I fell on flat on my face then farted in front of a bunch of other patients.  Then I had to just get up and continue waiting with them till I was called.

  7. When they closed the office they locked me in!!!!


  8. funny you should ask. today i was at doc office and i had a really bad headache , chest pain and i was feeling sick and nauseated when all of a sudden two ladies brought in two mentally handicapped males in wheelchairs. one was parked to the left and one was parked to the right, i was in the middle. God bless their souls, but they were making the loudest sounds and were yelling and clapping and making like all the sounds you would expect. I felt like my head was going to explode or I was gonna have a heart attack,. I had to leave and go to my car and wait there cuz i knew it would be another 30 mins before i got called, i came back after 30 mins and got called in after a few mins..... i think that was the worst thing that ever happened to me because i almost like lost it. I dont blame them or anything it just wasnt my day.  

  9. I found a photo of my mother in the 1971 National Geographic they kept on the table. Apparently I was raised by pygmies.

  10. waiting 3 hours for the nurse to call me,

    then the jerks go to lunch. I hate that about appointments, if you&#039;re late they cancel you, if they&#039;re late, they act as if it is no big deal...they should give you free service, my opinion

  11. the nurse came out and said she needed my urine sample. Gladly...

  12. i started my period in the bathroom right before my annual, and had to tell them i need to reschedule lol.

    Edit: i remembered another one. i was sitting, waiting, and there was a woman with a 3 or so year old daughter. she was just running around being a crazy kid like kids that age do. then she ran up to me, stopped in front of me, stared up at me for a good few seconds, then spouted out, &quot;Fu**&quot;. my first reaction was to laugh. i couldnt help it. the mom started laughing too. but i imediately felt bad, like i shouldnt have laughed. then i looked over to the other side of me and there was an older lady sitting there staring at all of us with a look of disgust. it was funny yet very akward.

  13. a 4 year old kid barfed on me.

    oh yeah.

    thats gotta be the worse.

  14. Hmm...well, nothing that bad except being really bored! And falling asleep on really uncomfortable chairs...

  15. I had to wait for over 4 hours.


  16. A lady&#039;s water broke, all over my sandled feet.

  17. I was so nervous i threw up all over the floor.  

  18. I went to get a Vasectomy. The nurse comes out and says &quot;OK, the doctor is ready for your Vasectomy now&quot;. Talk about imbarrasing! I turned 50 shades of red.

  19. my mom was talking about when my period start.. and some guy was next to my mom... soooo embarrasing

  20. The doctor left me in a room and forget about me.  I came out and I asked what wrong? I had been waiting for 1 hour?  My blood pressure went up.


  21. Used to be a patient had to disrobe and put that awful gown on after

    doing as I was told I noticed that paper on the examination table was all wrinkled I pulled it down until it was proper and hoped up on the table and slid to the floor, just as the Doctor walked in.LOL

  22. they called my name

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