
Sub-Continent teams will never win world cup anymore? Yes, No?

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First India, Now Pakistan, Tomorrow Srilanka. Producing dusty, flat pitches and spoil the real talent of the players. Going on producing flat tracks and scoring 300 runs is boring to watch cricket. I request Sub-continent teams cricket boards please see the video tapes of England-Newzealand One-day series. Excellent and more thrilling to watch all matches. They are played in Sporting and fast pitches in England. But here Pakistan, Indian and Srilanka easily getting 300 runs every match is really boring to watches. No turn, No bounce, No real pace in the pich. Pitches are very flat and fit for nothing. If these type of pitches continues, it demoralize the players ability and real talent. The players completely forgotten how to play in fast pitches in australia, England and west Indies while they touring these countries. I challenge everybody that sub-continent teams will never win world cup any more with these type of worst pitches. I stop watching this dull cricket.




  1. i accept ur point. but ind and sl can pull iti off bcoz dey have done excellent in foreign lands

  2. Australia will win the worldcup again and again. Runners up will be South Africa and New Zealand in future.

  3. no

  4. While I fully agree with your observation about pitches, I beg to differ with you that sub-continent teams will never win the world cup.

  5. I think they will, if India can improve their bowling they will be a force to give the Aussies something to think about. Also SL are more than capable of knocking off any score batting second , so lots of chance.

  6. yes,

  7. Australia might have won the last 3 World Cups but the runners-up were Pakistan, Sri Lanka and India - all sub-continental teams.

    The last World Cup final not to feature a sub-continental team was in 1987.

  8. I agree with your point but sub continent teams will surely win the world cup. You say that they are playing on flat tracks and score 300 runs. But my friend do all the teams just play in their home ground full year. no, they do many tours. So my point is they adopt different conditions in different grouns. So this is what is called professionalism.

  9. ind and sl can pull iti off bcoz dey have done excellent in foreign lands

  10. Pitches aside, you need talent and skill to win the World Cup.  And I think the Subcontinent teams are overflowing with talent.  There's no reason they can't win World Cups.  Pitches certainly WON'T stop them!

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