
Sub wiring and amp wiring?

by  |  earlier

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subs - dvc 4ohm 2 of them 600wattrms on each wiring it to a 1200 watt amp same brand as sub amp is 1 ohm stable to i wire the subs together and then to the amp a 1ohm? that would give each sub 600 watts right?




  1. no wat i would do is wire 1 speaker to 1 port and wire the other speaker to the other pot thats if it is a 2 chanel amp... cause if not u will be pulling to much from 1 side and the speakers wont sound right..... u need to turn down the amp to at first and then bring up the bass gradually to make sure the speakers can handle it..... u also have the choice to bride the amp but thats it the spakers can handle the power... all u have to do is hook up positive then negative to 1 speaker the hook up positive then negative to a diffrent speaker but it has to be from a diff channel...... but if ur going to bridge the speakers then u go positive from 1 port to the negative to the negative of the other port this will give u alot more power to ur speakers.... thats why i recomend u hooking them up regular at first...........     u also have to make sure ur gornd is like a foot long or less....   the shorter the ground the more the bass

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