
Subject tests, when to take?

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I am applying for college early decision, for a few of my choices. I was wondering can I take the two required subject tests after I am accepted?

I am applying to UNC Chapel Hill and Duke for early decision. If I am accepted to either, I plan on taking the subject tests in the spring.




  1. The Subject Test scores are used for the admissions decision, so it wouldn't make any sense for you to send them in after you've been accepted because they need those scores to decide whether or not they want to accept you in the first place.  

    Below is what Duke's website said:

    We strongly recommend that Early Decision candidates take either of these sets of standardized tests no later than October of their senior year. We cannot guarantee receipt of November testing for Early Decision candidates, although past experience suggests that November scores typically arrive in time. You do not need to rush-report your scores to us.

    UNC-CH probably has a similar timeline.  You can see that taking the subject tests in the spring if you are currently a senior would not be a good idea.  

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