
Submitters---how do u deduce this?

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In the tafseer of Quran by Rashid Khalifa, he makes a note about usury, translating Surah 2:278.

" During the last few years we have witnessed the devastation of the economies of many nations where excessive interest is charged. Normal interest--less than 20%--where no one is victimized and everyone is satisfied, is not usury."

Does the Quran say that usury has to be less than 20% to be halal?

Here's his Quranic interpretation.




  1. NO, NO, and NOOO!

    how about 'do not make halal what is haram, and do not make haram what is halal'??

    ribaa, in any form or percentage , is totally HARAM

  2. The quran says the sun sets in a muddy spring !!


  3. obviuosly when they have their own prophet ,so as a result they have their own shriah ,which has nothing to do with islam

    the creed of "khatam ul nabuwwat' is so important for us to stay on right path .Who ever search guaidance out side the sunnah,got deviated

    Qadyani and Submitter found their prophet but lost the straight path,Similarly  Shias found the Imam and got lost.

    As a Muslim we believe that Quran & sunnah is the only source to the hidayah ,and thats what prophet (saw) warn us in his last sermon.

    He said beware of Fitnahs and hold Quran &Sunnah  tightly ,to stay on right path

    May Allah save us from all Fitnah and keep us on Right Path

    There is a dua Sahaba used to pray regularly in the end of the prayer b4 Salam.

    "Allah humma inni aozobika min fitna ti masih Dajjal,wa fitna til mahya wal mamat"

    This dua can be find in any books available ,i will paste it if i'll find it in arabic.

    Edit @ shah  ! your statements does not make any sense

    If rashad was a prophet ,then his words should be the last words on any issue,

    if prophet is not to be followed blindly ,there is no need of prophet,

    Prophet is the one who explains every thing in the light of devine guaidance ,if even he can not guide and his words r not final on any issue ,then whats the use !

  4. I understand your point.

    Well you may believe it or not: There are TWO Distinct categories of Submitters. Submitters are NOT without mistakes. Neither was Rashad Khalifa. After all he was a Human.

    However, Submitters AT THE MOMENT are QUITE careful, to keep the personal opinions of RK away from the Quran. (They will deviate, as it is already predicted in the Quran).

    The MAIN point that is the MOST important point for us (Submitters and PARTICULARLY REFORMISTS) is:

    "God Alone, Quran Alone".

    This was the MOST crucial message of RK.

    Whatever was a Personal opinion of RK, is to be looked at with suspicion. It is NOT an obligation to be followed. NOT at ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!

    What is important is "what the Quran says".

    This particular verse says that God encourages Commerce and condemns Usury.

    Now we got to know what is the difference between Usury and Commerce. In another verse, it is stated:


    O you who believe, you shall not take usury, compounded over and over. Observe GOD, that you may succeed.

    Now the interests are always compounded. Even the simple interests can become unjustified in CERTAIN cases i.e. when the party pays off the loan by greater installments and at earlier to the determined time.

    Therefore it is upto the living conditions and environment, to determine, what is going to be easy and justified (only to keep up with the inflation and devalue of currency) and what would cause people heavy burden and cause them bankruptcy.

    When you reach compounding to the point of victimizing you enter the zone of Usury. And when you stay with just the compensation of inflation and currency devalue, then you are in the zone of commerce e.g. you are only making the stagnant money available to those who need for business etc.

    At the moment the Economies with the least interest rates are the MOST flourishing and the MOST STRONGEST of all e.g.

    1- Japan

    2- Saudi Arabia and Middle East.

    I guess this answers your question.

    RK is not a benchmark. Quran IS !!!!

    RK just provided us the VERY strong evidence that we are misguided by the Satan, by Hadith and Sunnat. AND !!!! Quran is to be used as the ONLY guidance formula. NOTHING else.

  5. Astaghfurullah, no the Qur'an says stay away from Riba completely.

  6. I'm motazily, and i would like to say that this is what tantawi, sheik of sunni azhar, may god curse him also said something like that. i refuse any kind of interests. their are some arguments about how modern money loose value with inflation. but i didn't read somthing convincing.

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