
Subs sound like a snare drum?

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ok so when i turn on my subs they sound like a snare drums when they hit, they are a 15' kicker L7 DVC 2ohm

and im running them with a alpine MRP-850 amp that puts out 850 watts at 2ohmsx1 so is that the prob or what? any1 have an idea?




  1. sounds to me like the speakers are done. have an experienced ear listen to them. or smell the very back of the magnet in the hole. if the smell burnt, then their busted

    if thats not it. then its probably ur wiring kit. check to make sure everything is hooked up. make sure ur ground is hooked up and that ur speakers are plugged up good inside the box. after that idk whats wrong with it. go to some place to get it looked at

  2. Sounds like the speakers are toasted . Hook up another set to test , if they work then the amp is wasted .

  3. either a leak in your box or busted speaker

  4. Could be a number of things, I would check the wiring to make sure they are in the correct connections first. Second, flip your switch to bass, if you haven't already. If none of this works, you either have a bad amp or need a stronger one. I would imagine the 850 would do better than a "snare drum" sound though. Good Luck!

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