
Substitutes for Greensak?

by Guest65955  |  earlier

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if you go to

it is an environmental friendly grocery bag that is recyclable and very useful in everyday lifestyle.

the price is about $4 per bag (little pricey)

i was wondering if there were any alternatives !

im sure greensak isnt the only company to sell these items..

also, i would like to know any other things that can benefit people and also benefit people as well.

thanks x]




  1. Next time you go grocery shopping and come home with those plastic shopping bags, fold them neatly and use them again for one more trip to the store. If everyone did this, it would cut the number of shopping bags in the land-fill by half. It would also cut down on their manufacture and the associated pollution.

    I don't know if you could use them three times, but twice is a start and it's free.

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