
Substituting mailto: command on website?

by  |  earlier

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Putting my e-mail address with mailto: command on a website is too much an invitation for junkmail. Substituting it with my mailaddress written out and with the "@" replaced by an "at" seems to be very inelegant. Is there a better way of letting real people know my e-mail address, but don't put it right in the way of spammers?




  1. There are 2 methods I know of.  You can put the text in an image file.  Or you can make a Contact Me form using server-side code.

  2. Hi,

    you can add it to the page as an image (create it using "paint" for example)

    spammers usually use some scripts to search the web for mail addresses but in this way they will not find it ;-)

  3. Use an image or a script instead of an actual mailto.  You could also use javascript to obfuscate the link...

    I could go into the entire javascript but it's more elegantly explained on many web sites.  Here's an example:

    Edit:  One more thing, to call javascript from a link, use onClick in the html like:

    <a href="#" onClick="javascript_function();">E-mail me!</a>

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