
Subtitles on live online TV channels broadcasting on the Internet.?

by  |  earlier

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I'd like to know if its possible to watch any channel on the internet with subtitles.




  1. Maybe but not likely.  The closed captioning comes in on line 21 of the TV picture.  In order to see it, the host site must pass that information with the program. TV stations, cable systems, and satellite companies are required by law to do this. Internet broadcasters are not.  

    The second problem is that most computer monitors do not have the decoding equipment built-in.  TV sets are required by law to have the decoder built-in.

    If you have a video capture card that can pass the closed captioning information (most do) and you are outputting the signal to a TV set then you probably will get it. Otherwise probably not.  

  2. I am also interested in this!

    If you want a foreign language channel with subtitles included in the video there are many like BBC World (for English learners), TV5 Monde (for French), O Globo do Mundo (for Portuguese), etc... These are also free

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