
Subtracting integers (-4) - 3 =?

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Its confusing. Please explain how it works




  1. its -7. think of this, if i have 4 less than zero, what if i had 3 less than zero too? combined you have 7 less than zero.

    draw a number line, and always move to the left when subtracting. so put down ten or so tick marks on the line, put 0 and -4 on, and count to the left 3.

    please answer mine

  2. okk well if there are two "-" signs that means you add so the answer to that problem would be  -1.

    Explained: Make a number line -5 through 0.Put a dot over need to subtract from this .I know your think the answer is -7 but it's not. it's -1.I picture it this way. yu know on a number line how if u subtract you move < to the right answer? well once you add the second "-" you turn around and go >> that way u got it?Hope this helps

  3. We just did this today in pre-al and this is what my teacher showed us. It's called the Two Slash Rule. Here's what you do: First off, you can NOT mess with the first number (you'll understand this as you read father). It's off limits. Don't touch it! So far you have (-4) - 3 =? Here's where the first slash comes in. Make the minus a plus. You now have (-4) *+* 3 =? . But, you now have to balance that. Here's slash number two. Make the *currently* positive 3 into a *negative* 3. You now have (-4) + *-3* =? Then, it's simply adding. You owed me 4$ then you borrowed 3 more, you now owe me 7$. Your answer would be -7  * (-4) + -3 = -7 *  . Rememer these VERY important things: NEVER mess with the first number. Change everything after the first number to it's opposite ( minuses to pluses, positives to negatives). THINK MONEY. It's a lot easier to think "I borrowed 8$ and then borrowed 2$ more, I now owe you 10$"  then (-8) - 2.

    I really hope this helps. If not, talk to your teacher tomorrow.

    ~ Taylor :D

    P.S My teacher said that this is the hardest thing to do with integers!

  4. I learned Keep Change Change.

    K    C   C

    (-4) +   -3 =

    you keep the first integer the same, change the minus sign to a positive, and change the 3 into negative 3.

    so then it's negative 4 plus negative 3

  5. (-4) - 3 = ?

    this means the same thing as:

    -4 + -3 = ?

    since they have the same signs, add them and use their sign:

    -4 + -3 = -7

    ps - someone answer mine please...;...

  6. If they are BOTH negative numbers--- add them together and use the negative sign


    4+3= 7

    so the answer is -7

  7. you are actually adding the problem together.  and since they are both negative it ends up still being a negative!! soo.. -7! good luck:)

  8. picture it this way.

             7             4 3           ]          -3- 4   - 7

    if 4 and 3 = 7 then - 4 and - 3 = - 7

    Good luck.  

  9. if the signs are the same sum them,

    if the signs are differnt, take the difference. :)

    -4 - 3 =       just add them together like they have the same sign and then give the answer the sign of the bigger number(4) so the number will be negitive.


    4 +3 = 7

    give it the sign of the bigger number, so -7

    = -7

    Hope I helped :)

  10. when subtracting by a negative change it to -4 +(-3) = -7

    its the same problem just its easier when u look at it to add together to negatives

  11. kesseka is stupid

    a negative plus a negative is always a posative

    the answer to this question is -7

    you just have to memorize it

  12. (-4) - 3 = -7

    A negative plus a negative is always a negative.

  13. you owe me $4 and owe me again $3 so how much total you owe me?

  14. Hmm How Can I Explain This...

    Ok If There Are Too Negitive Numbers Your Always Gonna Add The 2 Number And The Answer Will be Negitive.

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