
Subversive subjects..

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was reading a little bit about a south american country lately, annyhoo to cut a long story short it said at one point something along the lines of 'the right wing government frowned upon the universities teaching subjects considered subversive such as sociology and psychology'. why would these two subjects be considered 'subversive'?




  1. Because they are based on Secular Humanism.They teach nonsensical rantings on social constructs and collective unconscious.These philosophies were founded on occult dealings with the spirit realm,though most people are unaware of it.Reading the writings of Freud or Jung easily proves this to be true.

  2. Sociology could be considered subversive as people would learn about social constructs and their mind would be opened to the fact that their society didn't have to be the way it was, and they would be able to see the tools the government was using to control the population.
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