
Subway or Mc Donalds?

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Pick one and tell why




  1. Subway!!!!!!


    Subway 5 out of 10

    Mcdonalds-2 out of ten

    Mcdonalds is frozen food and fries are fried, i prefer baked!

  2. Subway. I tend to eat healthier when I go there.

  3. I like McDonald's better than Subway because McDonalds' food tastes better than Subway's food.

  4. mcdonalds even though i should probably hit up subway more often but my 3yr old daughter never eats her ffod fromt here so it's just easier to grab my food from mcdonlds while i'm getting her something

  5. Subway

    Taste better

  6. Subway. It's healthier without a doubt.

  7. I like both.

    Mcdonalds- yummy, not very healthy.

    Subway- yummy, healthy, some of the subs are not very healthy though.

    I like both.

  8. Totally Subway!! Lots more  healthy!!!

  9. Subway is a ripoff! I rather get fat eating McDonalds. It satisfies the brain and stomach. I love those salty fries, melt in your mouth burgers, and artificial chicken nuggets. By the way I use to work at Subway a long time ago before they wore gloves. I remember weighing that puny 4 oz. meat to put on those ft. long sandwiches. I remember our store had cockroaches. They would come from those bread boxes, and oh yes they would get on the famous Subway bread. I remember one time a bug got in the Subway garden salad I was making for someone. Don't remember if I got the sucker out. And then there was the time I cut my finger while cutting the top of the bread, while making the sandwich for somebody. I could write a book on the horrors that went on in that place.

  10. Subway. subway is healthier than mcdonalds. mcdonalds is nasty. subway is way better it tastes alot better

  11. McDonalds.  It is cheaper

  12. subway

    it's healthier and its much bigger

  13. Mc Donald's because its much much much much more tastier.

  14. Subway, I love submarine sandwiches. Plus Subway has wraps, soup and chips. I think Subway should sell baked french fries.

  15. Subway

  16. Only losers eat at McDonald's

  17. Subway cause the sandwiches are really good tasting and also they are very healthy for you. Mc.Donald's food are very greasy and cause your stomach to ache after eating the burger.

  18. subway.Its fresh and healthy and u hav more variety.

  19. subway.

    its good and healthy.

    only fat people eat mc donalds.

  20. Subway.

  21. Mc Donalds...

  22. mcdonalds

    the foods nice

  23. Subway because it is fresher and more healthy.

  24. Subway! McDonald's food is not as good as it used to be. The portions are smaller and not prepared well. Subway doesn't give you alot of food either but at least it's healthier for you.

  25. Subway; its healthier.

    McDonald's is good once in a while, though.

  26. McDonalds. First of all, subway used to dis maccas in its ads which I find horrible because few other fast food restaurants do this. Second of all, the fries, mcflurries, frappes and big macs all taste delicious. However, I do like subway too

  27. Subway because there are healthier options and I would rather eat a hoagie than a burger.

  28. McDonalds

    I hate Subway.

  29. All depends on situation. McDonalds if I am in the mood for something quick and greasy. Subway if i have time, there usually slower, and I want to eat healthier. Plus subway is a little more money.

  30. Subway.  The food offered there is just better for you.  And, you can watch them make it and tell them how much or how little of whatever you want on it.  Also, it seems to be much less noisy and crazy inside the place than Mc Donalds.
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