
Subway sandwich order?

by  |  earlier

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At subway, what is the order that they make your sandwich.

Is it first is bread type, then meat, cheese, veggies and condiments OR bread type, cheese, meat, condiments veggies? or a completely different way?




  1. italiain bread,mayo,ham, swiss cheese,turkey,& teriaki chicken pieces.

  2. I always order warm sandwiches....

    in that case it's bread then CHEESE then meat.... because they set the warm meat on the cheese, which then melts onto the bread.  

    The rest of your order was correct and I'm sure the meat and cheese can really be interchanged.

  3. Jas G has it down right all the way but forgot to include that after seasonings they ask if you would like to add chips and a drink to it.

  4. Where I live, it's the bread first, meat, cheese, veggies and then what sort of condiment you want on it.

  5. they ask you your bread, and then meat, then cheese, then condiments. that is, unless you order a SPECIFIC sandwich, then they fix it up, and then ask you your condiments.

    if you're not a vegetarian, I recommend the Italian BMT

  6. From what I've seen you got it right the first time; although meat and cheese can be interchangeable.

    Bread type

    Meat/Cheese (either order)



    seasonings (salt, pepper, oregano, parmesan cheese)


    Good point, mija.  I never get the chips, and only get water to drink so I forgot that point.  LOL.

  7. welcome to subway how may i help you?

    what kind of bread would you like?

    *gets bread*

    6inch or foot long?

    *cuts bread in half if 6 inch and if not than cuts open bread*

    what kind of sandwich would you like?

    *puts meat that goes on that type of sandwich*

    what kind of cheese?

    *puts on cheese if unless said no cheese*

    Would you like it toasted?

    *toast sandwich if they ask you to*

    What would you like for sauce?

    *puts on sauce if person wants sauce*

    What would you like for veggies?

    *puts on the veggies that were asked for*

    Would you like salt pepper or oil?

    *puts on seasoning if the person wanted it*

    *wraps sandwich and puts napkin over flap to keep it closed*

    *puts in plastic subway bag*

    Would you like chips cookies or soda?

    *gives custoemr cup if soda is asked for or same with cookie, the custoemr grabs chips themselves*

    *does  the price and  total on cash regeister*

    *says the price takes money gives change back*

    *gives sandwich* [you can  do that before you have the customer give you money or after either works]

    Enjoy your sandwich have a great day/night! =]

  8. Bread type, size of bread e.g six inch or foot long, cheese, toasted, salad, sauce, cookie, drink, pay.

    hope I helped!


  9. its the bread then meat chese n condiment and then seasonigs
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