
Subways five dollar menu is cheating us?

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Anyone notice most of the new five dollar footlongs were only $4.99 before they changed it to the five dollar menu? I know the meatball marina and the BLT were two of the subs that were cheaper before. Does subway think we are stupid and not notice this?




  1. OMG I know!!!! I was gonna post this same question! in my town the meatball sub was $4.30! now its $5.00 wtf? Like seriously did they really think that we wouldnt notice?! And I agree the $5.00 footlong was a great deal for subs over $5.00 but come on!

  2. It's marketing at it's best....  They hope enough people ARE stupid enough not to notice....but then again....what can you do about it?  Either pay the price or don't.

  3. well, many other brands have tricked you before using this method. All sales and discounts are somewhat  a trick. Remember you can make a statistic say anything you want. It has been proven that if you tell someone they can buy something for $2.50 or they could get it 2 for $5 most people would react to the later rather than the $2.50, why u ask? cuz people are pretty stupid consumers on average.

  4. Probably.

  5. everything is getting more expensive.  i mean 1 penny? i dont think you really need to be conplaining.  only 5 bucks for a footlong?? thats not a lot at all n they taste real good. i love subway and they not trying to rip ppl off.  this is rediculos guys

  6. Around the Madison area, the subs that are now on the five dollar menu were between five and six dollars already, so no, they are not cheating anyone. I would say that a rule of thumb for a deal like this is that if said item costs less than it did before, it is a deal.

  7. ehhh their always trying to rip people off!!!!!!!!!!!

    lets go on strike

    lol jk

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