
Subwoofer Help??????

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I need help with buying a subwoofer

In 2004 i bought a system with two Gale Gold's and a Gale Storm 8 Subwoofer

I Then upgraded my main speakers to Wharfedale floor standers

I found that my old subwoofer did not really make much of an impact anymore, it just did not sound very punchy and bottomed out ALOT

so i am looking for a new one

I am 15 so i cant spent more than about £150 on it

Could anyone tell me what kind of makes and models there are for me, i am looking for something above 8 inch and can handle some serios bass





  1. dude, you've got some freakin nice speakers for a 15 year old.

  2. You need to go used, and you need to prepare to spend more money. Forget about your "above 8 inch" requirement, a high-powered 8 such as a velodyne or sunfire will have huge power and a ton of excursion.

    If you can find a used HSU, any model would serve you well.

  3. You're not going to get a good sub for that price unless you buy used or build one yourself.

    You've got some serious floor standers, so coupling them with a new sub that's under £400 would be a waste. You need something with oomph that will be able to keep up with your Warfdale's and provide a similar level of accuracy and quality.

    Any sub under £150 will be small and boomy. You may not even need a sub for music. Movies yes, music no.
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