
Subwoofer placement...?

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Where do you place your sub woofer in the living room for best quality bass/ music?




  1. When the sound goes BOOM

    where do you want it to come from?

    > Usually from the location of the screen/tv if possible.

    >Directly behind viewing seat would be my 2nd choice

    as it gives more Kick!

    Check out for tips on speaker placement and other tried and true techniques.

    Corner placement will color the sound

    which is not good for HT and terrible for music, and the LOCALIZATION will make you look at the sub when it goes  boom instead of looking at the screen

    (usually NOT where the sound was intended to come from)

    While I have 3 equalizers on my system,

    they are not intended to make-up for poor placement!

    I have a Klipsch sub (0 degrees,in-phase)

    at front/center located directly below my monitor,

    and another one (180 degrees out-of-phase)

    centered directly behind my seating area.

    With corner (loading/folding) placement you will be raising the output of the sub by up to 6 db (3 times the loudness),

    great for loud, but TERRIBLE for music.

    and you probabally can not equalize that out.

  2. Well, subwoofers sometimes have a side stereo in them(look literally on the side of it) and if it does you should put it next to the couch you will be in while watching tv because it gives a better sound quality for where you are. If it does not have this feature, then anywhere should be fine, not to far away.

  3. Your placement depends on your room and where you sit. You must also make sure your sub is set up correctly. If not it will sound bad no matter where you put it. Mine is best in my right hand corner. I used a SPL meter to set up my speakers. You should do this for best sound. It doesnt matter how long the sub cable is either.

  4. it could be placed anywhere but it best in a corner of the room no less for around 53cm.

  5. Where anyone else puts it doesn't help you since subwoofer placement needs to be determined for each room. There are some guidelines, like near and half way along a wall, but see the article at the link.

    The best way to find the right place for a sub (described in detail in the link article) is to put it where you will listen from and move around the room to find where you get the most balanced bass ... then put the sub there.

    Recognize that a single sub will never be right for all listening positions, unless you can afford multiple subs placement will have to be a compromise (or optimized for one specific listening location).

  6. in the corner of a room! as this increases bass output. and then adjust, gain,frequency settings, experiment to get the level of bass you like! i like the contra bass location,such as,in orchestral performance,the location would be the left corner of your room!

  7. Where the bass does not sound boomy.Corner placement exaggerates the bass and makes it more directional which defeats the purpose. Also corner and wall placement can augment the sound of a poorly designed subwoofer. Put the subwoofer as far from the walls as possible and close to the center of the room for best omnidirectional bass. Also, two subwoofers are better than one.Low bass is recorded in stereo on some records.

  8. The link to CNet gives a good technique on how to find the best location for a sub in the room.

    The issue is quite complex, but here are some conclusions:

    - All speakers set to SMALL, one location for the sub.

    Because of wall reflections, having multiple woofers in different locations is a BAD idea.  The waves interact in complex ways so you can get dead silence in one spot, but move a few inches and it's ear-shattering loud.  

    Multiple subs are OK if you want more volume, but stack them so the waves emerge from 1 location in the room.

    - Music vs HT:  Music lovers want smooth, tight bass and they have found putting the sub 2/5 or 1/3 along the longest wall tends to avoid 'boom' and merges well with the other speakers.

    Home Theater is about IMPACT.  Putting the sub in the corner of the 2 longest, un-broken walls increases the volume of some frequencies.  While this is bad for music, it actually enhances the effect of action movies.

    - Equalization: If you really love music and want to solve the problem of your walls reflecting some sounds better than others, there is a device called the "Behringer Feedback Destroyer". It runs ... $125-$200 and is a parametric equalizer. Search the internet for this and look for something called "House Curve" to find discussions on how to adjust things.

    Good luck.

  9. here is a good article on subwoofer placement

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