
Successful VBAC only 10months after C-section?

by Guest66678  |  earlier

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Just wondering if anyone has had a VBAC ealier than the recommended 24 month wait after their previous birth? I had my baby boy 10 months ago and by the time we fall pregnant again it will probably be 12 months.




  1. I am sure there are many success stories, but you need to talk to your Ob and see how they feel about you having a VBAC, sometimes they are all for it, other times they just plainly refuse.

  2. Many factors - your age, the type of incision, your healing, reason for C-section the first time, etc.  

    As I am sure that you know, the big risk is uterine rupture which is a medical emergency and potentially life-threatening.  Many OB's will simply decline to do them due to the liability.  

    However, if you are young with a bikini incision and had it for a "one time" type of reason, you stand a better chance of making your case to try a VBAC.  

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