
Succession in Northern Virginia?

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Opposed to being a state, Virginia is a commonwealth, which essentially means that all resources (money) are pooled and applied as needed (roads, schools, etc.); However, with NoVA getting on average 18cents in services for each dollar that goes to Richmond -- a percentage that is dropping due to the new legalized regional taxes which are only placed on us (thanks Kaine) -- and given the near crisis levels of neglect to our infrastructiion, plus the huge political and democratic differences between us and the rest of the state, shouldn't we Northern Virginians consider succession? Wouldn't we be far better without the rest of Virginia, which doesn't even like us, since they seem to pay us no interest or care.




  1. Cool, then we could have DC, West Virginia, North Virginia and Virginia.

    Actually, everyone should succeed.  But the Feds hate success.

  2. You might be able to but good luck.

    To much red tape, and not enough money to make it happen.



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