
Such as thing as too much in the interviewing process??

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I went in for an interview yesterday for an elementary teaching position. I think it went okay. I got told by one of the 7 people that interviewed me that he thought my answers were good and really complete. Anyway, my question deals with the follow up. After I got home from the interview, I got a cute thank you card from the store and wrote a short thank you note to the interview committee. I stuck it in the mail last night (probably won't get there for a few days). Today, I called to thank the interview committee for their time, etc. However, I got an answering machine and (much to my better judgement) I left a message thanking the interview committee and saying that I was excited about the possibility of working for the school.

Did I overdo it? Is there anyway that this will turn them off and make them not want to hire me?? What do you all think? What would your reaction be if you were the boss?




  1. I wouldn't have called the school - the note was fine....

    but it's hard to sayif you will get it

  2. I think you will be fine. So few people bother with the thank-you card that you will definitely be remembered, and also thought of as a tactful person. Hope the card wasn't TOO cute - for business occasions such as job interviews, I use small plain cards with gold or silver script that just say "thank you". They are available at drug and retail stores. Hope you get the job.

  3. Absolutely not. Anything that sets you apart from most is acceptable. If you sent a letter you are simply reminding them who you are and perhaps encouraging them to take a closer look at you.

  4. You got much farther along in the interview process than I ever did.  I sent tons of e-mails, regular mails, visited the district offices, visited the elementary school principal, you name it.....and only received one or two interviews.  Good luck!

    Sounds like you're doing a good job making them remember your name, which is important!

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