
Suckers with betta?

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I want to get a small sucker with my betta. they will be in a 7gal. together. the 2 suckers I am thinking about are a pleco or a cory. pit bull plecos are blu and get 2in. long but are considered armored catfish. cories though get three in. long and i heard they are compatable with bettas. which one would be best to have with my betta.




  1. if you really prefer a sucker, consider the 'zebra pleco' a really cool looking pleco and grows to ~4" max

    .....why add sucker fish to a 7 gallon tank with a Betta?

    ...add some living plants, those will increase the appeal of the tank, abosrb ammonia and provide CO2 for the aerobic bacteria that colonize the water filter

    ...i assume you have a filter, therefore, you might consider some other varieties such as tetras, danios or white cloud minnows which would get along and play very well with the Betta...many grow to 1.5" and you might add 3 or 5 of either type....bloodfin tetras, lemon tetras, diamonds, etc

  2. corys are NOT "sucker fish", they are bottom dwelling omnivores and don't eat algae.

    really, a 7 gallon is too small for even pitbull plecos and otos (aka otocinclus/dwarf sucker - needs to be in trios or more), simply because they need a maximum amount of grazing area and hefty filtration.

    corys, the only ones suitable are the delicate dwarf varieties such as c.habrosus, c.hastatus and c.pygmaeus, they would all need a sand substrate or else they would lose their barbels and MUST have a mature well-filtered tank.
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