
Sudden Jerking Movement When Awake?

by Guest33873  |  earlier

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The other day I was sitting watching tv when I suddenly had a jerking movement whereby I felt I was going to faint or black out. It was so severe that I had to grab onto the side of the sofa as I felt like I was going to fall. The only way I can compare it is by saying that it's like the jerking movement many people have when they fall asleep, which is enough to wake you up. It felt as if someone had scared me out of my skin and I would accept that it was like the jerk I have when I fall asleep, only I was completely awake! I wasn't dozing off or anything and felt completely alert too.

Afterwards I felt a bit dizzy and spun out, but was mainly panicking as the feeling was so weird I was worried it might've been something serious. Incidentally, I had eaten plenty that day so know it wasn't through low blood sugar or anything like that.

If anyone could help, that'd be great as I am quite worried.




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  2. This is often caused by nervous spasms starting in your neck.  If it's a one-off don't worry about it.  If you get a number of them, try putting an ice pack on the back of your neck, fifteen minutes on, five minutes off then another ten minutes on.  Then put a hot pack on (a hot water bottle does fine) for ten minutes.

  3. There could be several reasons for that happening, but I really feel that you should see your doc and tell him what happened as it could be something serious. It could be something really simple that doen't need treatment at all, but it is still better to get it checked just to be sure.

  4. Seeking medical advise as soon as possible is the only safe thing to do.  

  5. the way u describe it seems rather severe and i suggest that you talk to a doctor about this problem and they can give u a check up to make sure

    everything is ok....i dont think u should just leave this problem alone, it seems a bit serious. dont worry, but make sure u get checked up :)

    take care

  6. were you chilling at the time it could just be the muscles relaxing and you do not need to be sleeping for this to happen ... but if keeps happening i would seek medical advice but not if its a one off  

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