Here's the situation...Since becoming pregnant I lost 15lbs. I stayed that way until about 20weeks, and never gained any weight back. At my 23week appointment my doc said I had gained 1lb. Then at my 27 week appointment I jumped up 6lbs! Which is still excellent. I wasn't really all that worried. But it seems like since then, this whole week, I am gaining like 1/2 a lb each DAY! I have not changed my eating habit, not eating more often, or anything more fattening. Same as I have from the beginning. I never got morning sickness or anything either. The doctor was a little worried because I wasn't gaining, and was losing instead. Now he seems a little more at ease. But is it normal to gain so much so fast? And will this continue until I deliver??
With my first pregnancy, I lost 10lbs at the beginning and didn't gain until I was about 8 months when I gained 20lbs. My daughter was born 5lbs 3oz and VERY healthy. I lost the 20lbs 2 days after giving birth.