
Sudden Weight Gain 28 weeks Pregnant?

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Here's the situation...Since becoming pregnant I lost 15lbs. I stayed that way until about 20weeks, and never gained any weight back. At my 23week appointment my doc said I had gained 1lb. Then at my 27 week appointment I jumped up 6lbs! Which is still excellent. I wasn't really all that worried. But it seems like since then, this whole week, I am gaining like 1/2 a lb each DAY! I have not changed my eating habit, not eating more often, or anything more fattening. Same as I have from the beginning. I never got morning sickness or anything either. The doctor was a little worried because I wasn't gaining, and was losing instead. Now he seems a little more at ease. But is it normal to gain so much so fast? And will this continue until I deliver??

With my first pregnancy, I lost 10lbs at the beginning and didn't gain until I was about 8 months when I gained 20lbs. My daughter was born 5lbs 3oz and VERY healthy. I lost the 20lbs 2 days after giving birth.




  1. I was the same way. I lost 20 pounds in the first 15 weeks, got back up to my pre-pregnancy weight at 28 weeks, and put on 16 pounds after that.

    The majority of women gain most of their weight in their third trimester, this is when baby is growing the most. Are you swelling anywhere? Frequent weight gain can also be a sign of preeclampsia, so just keep an eye on any swelling and if you seem to be gaining weight rapidly.

  2. You are PREGNANT!  You will gain weight, and most likely, lots of it!  Don't worry about it!  It happens to EVERYONE.  Don't obsess about the weight you are gaining.  Worry about making sure that your baby is getting everything it needs to grow and develop in a safe and normal way.  

    Just so you know, at about 23 weeks with both of my pregnancies, I gained about 10 pounds in a matter of about a week.  NO JOKE.  The doctors gave me a hard time about it and I felt bad for a while, but then I realized I couldn't help it.  Whatever you do, DO NOT diet while pregnant.  It can harm your baby.  

    Also, once you have the baby, you will lose about 30 pounds within the first two weeks.  

    Relax. You are doing great.

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