
Sudden change in nursing habits?

by  |  earlier

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My 7-month old baby has a stuffy nose and a bit of a cold, and his appetite has been come-and-go for the past few days.

He nurses much harder than usual. Like, he suckles really, really hard, to the point where it hurts. He nurses for much shorter periods, and suddenly prefers nursing sitting up. He's also taken to latching on, nursing for a minute, then popping off and playing with my b*****s: punching and kneading and pulling them, then latching back on, repeat.

I'm not complaining, just confused. Well, I'm complaining a little, because it's a real ***** to have to sit up and nurse him in the middle of the night.

Has anyone else experienced sudden changes in nursing habits, particularly with a sick baby? He's still nursing; that's the important thing. I'm just wondering if these changes could be permanent, or something that will pass as his cold clears up.

Finally, a possibly idiotic question, but I have strep throat. When he pops off while nursing, I can't help but sense that he's a little thrown off by a taste in my milk. He makes a funny face, but then, he makes a lot of funny faces. Is it possible that strep would cause my milk to taste odd? I am also fighting a high fever, which is back to normal now, but it was at 103 earlier this afternoon.





  1. Take Tanya's advice. Plus she's right about the male and b***s thing, lol.

  2. for one, you should be on an antibiotic for strep throat...if you are, that might be the reason you milk could taste funny... He prob wants to sit up to eat because laying down makes it harder to breathe. and he is prob trying to get as much out at once and has to stop to take breaths while feeding...

  3. I don't have any advice for you..Just a GREAT BIG HUG!!!!

    I hope you get well soon hun...I miss talking to you!!!!

    I hope I didn't get you too sick on the phone the other day..LOL..

    Again a BIG hug to you...

  4. The temperature of your milk might have temporarily thrown him off a bit.  And sitting up is most likely because of it being easier for him to breathe. Also, the breaks might literally be him "taking a breather." I'm betting it will all clear, or be like any other baby/nursing thing... it will clear, then reappear, then reinvent itself.  Just another one of those "go w/ the flow" type things!!!  As long as he's nursing and wetting/pooping as usual, no worries!

    Oh, and the playing w/ your b*****s are just typical male behavior, he will never outgrow that, sorry.  

  5. My 6 month old had a cold last month. She could hardly breath. I usually nurse her laying down or in the football hold. She didn't have much of an appetite but would try to latch and take a few drinks then start screaming. I freaked and called the doctor. The nurse suggested feeding her sitting up. It helped a lot. They said since her nose was so stuffy that it was hard for her to lay down and feed. And yes a pain to do in the middle of the night. She would suck really hard too. But again it was due to the cold.It's hard to eat and breath at the same time when your nose is stuffy.  And My doctor told me that with a cold your taste buds are dull so that might explain the funny faces. I do not think strep alone would change the taste of your milk. Are you on antibiotics? That will change the taste for sure. Once my daughter's cold was gone she went back to feeding laying down and everything was back to normal. But my son could never lay still and he would feed sitting up as soon as he started pulling up and trying to walk. Could be he is just getting older and wants to try new things? Also if he has alot of snot it could be draining in his throat and causing the milk to taste different too.

  6. Its very normal for a childs behavior and patterns to change without warning when they are sick.

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