
Sudden drop in appetite?

by  |  earlier

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Lately I've found I'm just not very hungry. Which is not a big issue, just jarringly sudden, I normally have a large appetite. Now I eat a small portion and feel full, or I can eat a snack food, like chocolate, and it tastes nice to me but I'll just put it down and forget I had it. It's like I've lost interest in it, in food in general.

Now I have no health problems, I feel fine, happy, healthy, well. So what could cause this, is it something I should be worried about?




  1. you should have also added your age.. because sometimes your need for calories change as we age...

  2. If you don't have any family history or haven't been recently (seriously) ill, it's probably just nerves.  If it gets to the point where you're malnourished or dehydrated, THEN I'd be concerned.  

    Don't worry, when your body needs energy, it'll let you know in the form of what's termed an appetite.

    Just my two cents.  Could be wrong, could be right.

  3. Early satiety can mean something going on in the stomach.  Usually nothing, but report it anyway.

  4. Well at a first look it probably isn't anything too serious. let me ask you some questions:

    Are you on any over the counter meds and which ones?

    Are you on any prescription meds and which ones?

    medication can have a huge effect on hunger and appetite, I am on an anti-depressant (prescription) and While I used to be able to eat tons, I get full easily and have no more interest in food.

    Do you feel depressed, nervous, anxious, or sad?

    Has something big happened that will affect you for a long time?

    usually when your mood changes so does your appetite; some people get hungrier and some people feel the opposite.  

    Did you pick up smoking or start doing any type of tobacco?

    Did you start taking any stimulants? Caffeine? taurine? anything?

    things like that can cause you to lose your appetite.

    do you do any drugs?

    any drugs at all can do this.

    If you don't do any drugs, don't take any medication, don't smoke or dip, didn't just start to have coffee in the morning or what ever and don't have any issues with mood or depression, and nothing really big has happened that can effect you, then it could be a more serious issue.  Right now, just relax; if it continues to be a problem or you start loosing weight then go see your doctor.  If you are just feeling depressed or have mood swings then go talk to a psychiatrist/phycologist/therapist.  right now you don't have any reason to be worried unless these issues continue (which then means that you should go see a doctor).

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