
Sudden spotting!!!!?

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I'm 17 and i've been spotting (it's only when i wipe the TP is light pink with a red string, it's not in my underwear) for 2 days now and i've had some light cramping, this has never happened before in the 2 1/2 yrs i had my periods. My last period was on August 7th and it lasted an unusual 2 1/2 days, mine always last 6 days. I get my periods every 1 1/2 to 2 months so my next one is coming in 2 to 2 1/2 weeks. Why would i be spotting 22 days after my period ended and 2 weeks before my next one? BTW i am NOT sexually active, so i can't be pregnant. What could this be?




  1. Since fall sports just started, have you been more active in the month of August than you have all summer?  Sometimes if you start activity you can alter your cycle.  It sounds like you have irregular cycles anyway, you may want to contact a gynecologist  Sometimes birth control can help regulate this.

  2. It's very normal for things like this to happen.  A lot of teen girls have irregular periods and it can happen without warning no matter what your age.  If you are really worried, you can ask your Mom about it, but it's probably nothing.

  3. A woman's body changes often. I wouldn't worry about it right away. Its most likely a change your body is going through. And a normal period is once a month. But there again every woman is different and body changes often. If you are really worried talk to your mom if you can or find a female you know and talk to them. Good Luck.  

  4. its just happens. its completely normal  
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