
Suddenly the space race is on between China and America.?

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China recently announced that they are going to put a manned craft on the Moon. America within days responded that they wanted also to visit the Moon again to do some more research and analysis. Do you think America is afraid that if China does land it's craft within the vercinity of the original landing spot and finds no USA flag planted on the surface of the Moon, it will create a huge global embarrassment?




  1. no  america have already done it once

  2. WE LANDED ON THE MOON, OKAY! Not "afraid", just stepping up to a little healthy competition. I believe China's space program is peaceful. So, even if there is a space race: Round II, at least the world would benefit from the discoveries. America is determined not to loose it's competitive edge in an increasingly competitive world. I also wouldn't count Japan, India, or especially Russia out either. Hopefully we can cooperate and accomplish more together than we could ever do independently. All of these countries are theoretically capable of this, but it just comes down on how badly we want to go back. America proved that when we landed men on the moon probably half a century before the second nation.

  3. There is no space race between the USA and China.  

    The problem is that when America's space effort was at its greatest, we just simply quit.

    If John Kennedy had lived, I don't think it would have been that way.

    I saw Neil Armstrong take his first step on the moon.  I was 8 years old but remember it very well.

    I think the next frontiers will be landing men on Mars or landing them on one of the Jovian planet's moons (such as Titan).

    China has a helluva long way to go to equal what America had done in space.  I don't forsee a "Saturn V" type rocket in their future any time soon.

    BTW, Neil confessed that they saw the flag fall when Eagle departed from the moon.  It was a shame, but one of these days we will go back and put it upright again!

  4. That`s the best laugh I`ve had in a long time.

    Chinese are so far behind the US it will take them decades to catch up. And they will still be decades behind the US.

    Space Race?

    No Contest, the US will be laughing their nuts off.

  5. China is by no means backwards, but it has very little experience with matters of such magnitude as Space Exploration.  The Americans have had many years of practice, and have accumulated a massive wealth of knowledge and technology that will never be surpassed by a foreign natio.  People say the US is in decline, I think the US is slowing down, but it will be at least another century before we see Pax Americana replaced by another country, both politically and in regard to space exploration.

  6. It has been for a while.

    Can anyone remember the US Spy satellite that was launched from China? The rocket somehow crashed during take-off and the Chinese recovered the data before they would allow our inspectors in. A gift from Clinton?

    Why would we be launching our spy satellite from China? Is China already leading the space race to the point we have to use them for items that affect our national security? Weird!

  7. / China should stop trying to be like America, and be their own unique country.  Just because America is the best, doesn't mean they can copy everything American, then be the best, too.

    For a look at true Chinese tehnology, look at their Chevy - oops, I mean CheRy (trying to be like America again) crash test...

    If the small, slow crash doesn't kill them, the lead paint will...

  8. The embarrassment is that China thinks it's hot stuff being 45 years behind us.

  9. Considering we did that almost 40 years ago and are now working on a manned mission to Mars...Id say that race is already over.

      -Nice try pal.

  10. Nah...h**l they are so busy enjoying their new capitalist economy but they can't even make toys that won't kill the customer's kids.   The issue on the table now is Pakistan.  China is busy making big bucks.

  11. think you hit the nail on the head there

  12. I think China lost that race about 38 years ago.

  13. Yeah, and I bet you believe the earth is flat!

    Check out photos from Hubble, the sight can be clearly seen!

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