
Sue Simmons' career?!?!?

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I doubt I'm the only one that heard it, but did anyone else hear what Sue Simmons said on NBC a few minutes ago?!? It was during the commercial for the 11pm segment of WNBC 4 New York news, and right after she described another story, they showed a video of a cruise ship, and you could hear her say something along the lines of "...the !@#$ are you doing?!"

Does she deserve to have her 25+ year career at WNBC ended because of a simple slip of the tongue? What do you think?




  1. She seems nervous - we rewound it several times, what about the SNL guy - he is now hosting cable funny home video shows - he got canned for cursing, saying the same thing as Sue in fact.  I would say she should know better after being on tv for 25 years.  At least they made her apologize.  One question I have, was she yelling at Chuck - it looked like he was asleep at the desk?

  2. I Just heard her apologise for "saying a word that some  find offensive, a few minutes ago" . She  then cut to a commercial. I thought I was  hearing things myself when I heard it!.. OOPs!

  3. She's a loser.

  4. do you ever s***w up?...thats my answer

  5. No she dosen't. I've only heard that she made a similar mistake about 8 years ago when she though her mic had been turned off and was safe to speak candidly. Considering her career has been nothing short of spectacular all these years with so few mistakes I dont see why she should be booted for it. She apologized and will probably be fined. That'll be the end of it.

  6. Wow i saw that and i was like, what the h**l. I would have never thought a news reporter would say that. I have TiVo so i kept watching it over and over again.

  7. i just heard her apology, and couldnt imagine what she said, so i jumped on line...ive been watching her my whole life, i find it funny...looking for it on youtube...

  8. I was doubtful I heard Sue correctly at first. But since I did, I was scared that something horrible happened at first. It sounded like she was surprised. But now I feel bad for her, a mistake and she carried on without a problem. Good for you Sue and I'm relieved nothing happened to you.

  9. When I heard this, I was stunned. I had to rewind it to make sure I heard it correctly. I'm not sure, but I think she was yelling Chuck. At the very least, she should be suspended without pay. It was hilarious, but she should still be punished.

  10. She said that she thought she was off camera, but she said it immediately after her last line of the grocery story ... Another NY reporter, Arthur Ch'ien was fired a few years ago for uttering the F-Bomb at an Opie and Anthony sidekick who interrupted a live newscast, but I dont think that will happen here, because if so, it would've already happened. Though it would be a good excuse to eliminate her and her $2.5 million salary. She'll get off with a fine or a suspension..

  11. But at whom was she shouting, and why??

  12. No--she shouldn't loose her career entirely, but suspended for two years and during that time be forced to empty everyone else's waste baskets for using her garbage mouth. I see someone wrote "some consider offensive", well it isn't about what you like. It's all about your intent. If I'm paying you respect, you should pay likewise respect, it's not merely consideration, but a necessary formality if CIVIL-ization is going to work. Ever hearing of the saying "those are fighting words"? If you choose to speak in violent terms, then you should be prepared to fight--unless you're a weasel who doesn't have the courage to face the music.

  13. We totally heard that and wasn't sure what to think, but she just apologized for saying a word that "some consider offensive."  I guess that confirms it.  She said it!

  14. LOL!

    I find it hilarious to be perfectly honest.  I mean, come on, they show dead bodies on the news casts, a slip of the FBOMB is nothing compared to half the c**p they have on the news anyway.

    I personally don't like her, so i would find it VERY amusing if she got the boot!

  15. It's   already on wikipedia.

  16. Seriously? Offended? Calling the station? Local TV news that's about nothing? I can't believe I'M writing here. But the idiotic and empty lives you people must lead is leaving me breathless.

    I was merely looking for video of the gaff so my wife could have a little chuckle when she came home from work at the ER. Now we're discussing how moronic and small minded you people are. Thanks again for never failing to not surprise me.

  17. YES.  "some consider offensive."  I think EVERYONE would find this offensive.  This is not the career ender, but she clearly has a problem that needs addressing.  She is surrounded by enablers (NBC) because of her longevity at the station.  Wake up boys, smell the coffee, and give Chuck the break he has been waiting 25 years for.

  18. What did she say???

  19. LOL.....I'm sure she'll remember this newscast for the remainder of her career.

    More importantly, she apologized for saying a word that "some consider offensive" who doesn't think the F-Bomb on the nightly news is offensive?

  20. I couldn't believe what I heard and thought for sure that was it for Sue.  Even with her 25+ years, I didn't think that the network would leave her on the air ... but surprise, surprise ... she was on at 11PM and gave an apology.  Maybe she'll escape the ax sine the news is only a local broadcast and not a national.  Also, luckily her slip came around 10:40PM and not during the children friendly early evening or prime-time hours.  I think if it was the Disney owned ABC network, she'd be gone for sure.  Let's see what happens.

  21. Are you kidding me? Why does she deserve to lose her job. She should just have to pay the fine that NBC will be subjected to out of her salary and be done with it. She apologized and it's obvious that she did not think she was on the air.

    Give me a break people - I'm sure we've all said something we  regret, particularly if we thought we were in private and we weren't.

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