
Suez canal.....?

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it have been built during the British illegal occupying to Egypt shouldn't egypt have got it back as soon as egypt have been liberated?

does Britain have any legal rights to keep it?why the world was against egypt when it liberated that land and wasnt against britain when it was occubing egypt?

and why dont we take compensation from england and france for what they did like israel is taking from germany for what hitler did?

"sorry for my bad english"




  1. The British did not ever occupy Egypt, they just had a great amount of influence over the Egyptian government prior to WW2, ensuring that unfriendly rulers died mysteriously or were overthrown for more Anglo oriented ones.

    The Suez canal was constructed by a French company which gave some shares to the Egyptian government which was forced to sell them later to England.

    The world was not against Egypt when Nasser nationalized the canal in 1956, only England and France were against the nationalization as they were going to lose money as a result of this action. In fact the world in general condemned the Anglo-French and Israeli invasion and sent in a UN peacekeeping force to end the conflict.

    The canal has since been controlled by Egypt's Suez Canal Authority (SCA).

    For more info check out

  2. Egypt would have to prove that it is worse off for having the British occupation.  It can't.  The place was not in any way better off before the occupation.  

    The "national treasures" were being used a goat pens and going into ruin.  The Egyptians didn't want ANY of them until they saw that the rest of the world was interested in studying Egypt's past.  Even after its independence the U.N. had to save most of Egypt's antiquities form floods because Egypt was Incapable of doing it.

    The Canal never would have been dug under Egypt's rule and the benefit to Egypt now is immeasurable.

    Most of my ancestral heritage and my countries distant past puts me at odds with G.B. from a historical standpoint, but no one can claim that they didn't bring civilization to a good deal of the world whose highest technology had been the stick that the natives used to dig the hole in their back yard to use as a toilet.

  3. you are not seriously comparing what britain and france did to what hitler did!
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