
Suffering with depression. Natural cures?

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I have been suffering with depression for several years. I haven't been taking medication for it and without it I'm finding it harder and harder to get out of bed and make it through the day. Is there any natural things I could take to lessen my depression or help me cope with it better? Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Medications are needed for severe depression. For mild depression, try changing your diet (fish, green vegetables, fish oil pills and Brazil nuts). These foods and others have been shown to boost mood in some people.

  2. I certainly DO wish there were "natural" remedies to depression, but there really is nothing out there that has much research based evidence to demonstrate efficacy in even "mild" depression.  Probably the most common over-the-counter and "natural" treatment would be St. John's Wort.  Still, there is little evidence that it works very well at all, and in very loosely conducted trials.

    You really should discuss this with your doctor or provider of care.  There may be a lot of prescribed medications that could prove to be very effective for you, and improve your quality of life.  Give it some thought, then make an appointment.  

    Best of luck!!  

  3. i heard sunlight can cure it.You should get out more,do some out door activities like baseball,soccer even golf.Just do whatever makes you happy.  

  4. Yes! Sunlight, exercise, healthy food, and hard work.

    Se yourself up with goals that are achievable and go above and beyond!

    I've suffered from depression for years and haven't had a bad bout in about one year. Good exercise, hard work, healthy foods, lots of water, vitamins, and staying busy are the best regimens you can come up with naturally.

    Also, go to your local vitamin or health food store! There are lots of homeopathic medicines that combat depression and even anxiety!

    Good luck! =)

  5. hey scott,

    buddy you sound like you need to see someone who you can talk your true feelings to. if you dont feel comfortable doing this, then my BEST advice is to write it ALL down....ur routines, ur feelings everything!!

    good luck m8  

  6. there is St John's Wort, and there is DHEA... do your research, make your choice... but be aware, a severe clinical depression is not going to respond to these two things, which are more for milder depressive states.

  7. Sunlight and everyday for at least 10min do something YOU want to do. even if it's screaming at the top of your lungs. jog,read a book,(rick warren the purpose driven life is actually pretty good believe it or not) Im glad you realized your depressed that's a start in the right direction!!

  8. Isuffered from depression for7 years.  depression free for 6 now.  I changed my life and made good choices and live right.  

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