
Sufferings of victims of deliberately bombed bridges elsewhere are any different from Minneapolis accident?

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The sufferings of the victims and their families of the tragic occurence of the collapse of Minneapolis bridge deserve the fullest sympathies and prayers from one and all.

However, in the context, one feels very much perturbed when such sufferings are deliberately inflicted on innocent people innumerable number of times elsewhere simply because of the misunderstandings with some of their leaders . Blood flows the same way through the veins of all people and sufferings are similar and civilised societies should behave humanely.




  1. I don't think it's different because we all grieve for the loss but we get more angry when it's deliberate. When such things occur and it's accidental we don't seem to get as angry because there is nobody to blame. It's all tragic but when it's intentional we just think of how heartless those who caused the deaths are.

  2. I'd be upset either way if the bridge fell from lack of maintenance or if it was deliberately bombed. It seems that you are blaming the United States for bombings that happen elsewhere in the world. It is sad that the US gets blamed for trying to help the Iraqi people. Sorry, but Granny Knows where you are going with this. Don't be frustrated with Americans thinking we all want the worst for everyone else.

    I agree with you that all people should have a chance to live in a civilized society. Remember when 1000 people died and were trampled on a bridge when someone yelled "Bomb" in Iraq?  No bomb there. Remember when thousands died in the World Trade Center and elsewhere on 9/11? That was deliberate. Whatever happens, we can't blame everyone for the actions or inactions of a few people.

    I hope you will have a chance to find out that most people are good. I think you have been deprived of that. Peace.

  3. physical suffering is the same in all cases no matter  if is accidental ,inhumanly inflicted or self inflicted .

    Once you cross that line how ever a huge difference begins. A difference that spans a line from compassion to the absurd

    I may be called a calloused SOB for not caring if tragedy is caused by self infliction.

    I may be called cold hearted for not being overly upset over a accident in life that causes harm . for accidents are part of life a part that happens if you live in this world as the old saying goes S%it Happens.

    Now for the inhumanity and pain caused by others this is a Deliberate act of ones hatred towards the right of life for another.

    This is like when a lady is raped she lives with the emotional , mental and spiritual repercussions the rest of her life . Yet if this same lady only fell and broke her leg badly  her pain would end and after a short while the emotional pain if any would cease.

    So there is a huge difference.

  4. Sorry, when the "leaders" of those countries harbor those who would do my country or its' people harm, then it is open season.  Perhaps the "innocent" of those countries will then get its' leaders to make the correct changes.

  5. Yes we should be angry whether its a bombed bridge, or not looking after infrastructure it is someones doing.  We in this country trust a little to much once we elect the ones into office we think are the best.  We like to think they will do the best for us well look at Minneapolis,  Look at Iraq  Its this truly the best of America i think not.

  6. It's so easy to be a "Flaming bomb thrower" from the Left these days. This troll is looking to point the finger of blame some where and has no concept of THINGS WEAR OUT!!!!

    In a time of suffering, as our friends and families to the North are doing, we must pray for them and for the recovery of the lost. But the Kooky Left crawl out of their holes and can't go one minute without laying blame on this Administration. As in the aftermath of Katrina, Wilma, the suname for God's sake!

    Crawl back under your rock!

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