
Sugar Glider Owners.. sugar glider sleeps all day

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Okay..i got my two baby suggies on tuesday afternoon.

One of them has only been awake lie 30 minutes both days!! Is thisnormal?

Theother one hasbeen awake and eaten...but the other has only eaten like one blueberry.

Also, neither have drinken anything...i showed them there waterbottle..and they dont drink.

is this normal for them???

ALSO...the one that eats only eats its fruist and veggies..not its BML mix?!?!??!?!?!?

oh, and they dont like mealworms. :[[[




  1. New babies should be shown the bottle of water and if they do not use it within 24 hours, ad a little orange gatorade to the water and show it to them again. Glide-R-Chow is the best stuff on the market. Get some at the 2nd website listed below. New babies should be LEFT ALONE in their new cage for 3 FULL DAYS upon getting them, and then handled frequesntly. Do you have a bonding pouch? They should spend 8 hours a day of more in it, getting your scent, and being taken out of it every 4 hours or so to use the restroom. They sleep all day because they are nocturnal. My pair is awake 7 am to 8 am and 11pm to 4 am daily ONLY. Are you offerring apples? half an apple (core and seed removed and NOT sliced or chunked) should be added to their cage EVERY night, with Glide-A-Mins vitamins sprinkled on it every other night and half an apple should ALWAYS accompany them in their bonding pouch... this is where the majority of their liquid comes from. 1/2 a slice of WHITE or ITALIAM bread with NO CRUST should be put in the cage every other morning when you remove the previous night's apple. NO treats other than a fingertip full of blueberry or peach yogurt that they l**k off of you which helps them bond faster (and that only a few times a week), should be offerred for the first 6 weeks you have them. Please visit the following websites for further info. PLEASE BE CAREFUL. Gliders biggest problems are DEHYDRATION and HYPOTHERMIA (they need to have adequate liquid at all times and prefer temperatures of 80 to 95 degrees). and NEVER give your glider the following items, some of which are TOXIC to them and others which they can develop an allergy to:




    ANY dairy products (except the occasional yogurt as mentioned above)

    and if you don;t want them to SMELL like FERRETS, NEVER feed them meat like mealworms... Glide-R-Chow and Glide-A-Mins should provide ALL the nutrition they EVER need for the next 15 years (that's how long they live in captivity, typically)

  2. They might just need time to adjust but they should at least drink. You might want to call a vet and ask questions if they still aren't drinking by next week. I had sugar gliders too a long time ago, they like the same kinds of food that hamsters eat. Grains and fact I bought them hamster food and they ate great but you need to vary their diet and add soft foods as well. Do you have a wheel in the cage for them? I would suggest one or a ball for them to roll around in.

    This is a good site to check out.

  3. Your new sugar kids are probably stressed! There could be many reasons they're sleeping alot and not eating/drinking much. To rule out the possibility that they are sick, a vet is needed... Other than that, the move could cause them to act this way. First and foremost, you should check to see if they are dehydrated. While they're sleeping in the pouch, gently pinch the back of the neck, the scruff - if it stays tented up for longer than a few seconds, they are definitely dehydrated and probably need to see a vet for sub-q fluids. If not - give them a few more days to adjust to their new home, new smells, new sounds and new family!

    Babies also sleep alot more than adults, and their sleep schedule could be erratic. My guys sometimes wake up at 8pm, and other times after midnight. Sometimes they wake up at 9 and go back to be a few hours later, then get up again around 3am!  

    I hardly ever actually view my gliders drinking water. Technically they should be able to get most of the fluids they need from the fruit and veggies they eat. Maybe try giving them some watermelon? Babies are more finicky eaters than adults too, so you'll need to try a few things to find a variety of things they like.

    Now, is BML what the breeder fed? And how are you making the BML? If there is even the slightest difference in the recipe, they can turn their noses up at it. Make sure it's really well blended too, I've found mine hate it if it isn't perfectly smooth.

    As for the mealworms, most babies have to be "shown" they are edible. You might need to cut one open so they can see/smell the insides - usually this is enough for them to get excited about it, but if they still aren't interested you'll just have to try again in a few weeks. I don't think I've ever met a glider that didn't eventually LOVE mealies :)

    I hope this helps - message me if you need more help!

  4. They are just babies. Give them time to adjust. They have probably been awake when you didn't notice. Also remember that Sugar Gliders are nocturnal so they won't be awake during the day. I'm sure if they get thirsty enough they will drink from the water bottle. They probably already have- you probably just didn't notice because it was probably when you were sleeping. Well, as far as the food goes, depending on age, you may need to crush it up for them so they can eat it easier. This sounds gross and I don't really know if they'll eat it this way, but what about chopping up the mealworms (if they're dead)?

    Good luck.

  5. They are nocturnal (awake at night) so sleeping during the day is normal. They will eat at night so don't be concerned.

    See the site below for more tips.

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