I have read up ALOT about sugar glider diet and I can't seem to figure out if what I'm feeding them is a nutritional and balanced diet. Here is what they get:
-Spoonful of yogurt(non-fat,live cultures,plain at the moment)
-couple pieces of fruit(they don't get the same two days in a row)
-Some frozen vegetables(green beans, corn, carrots, lima beans)
-They get some mango baby food and I add their Gliderade and some cream of wheat to it and i freeze it
-i give hardboiled egg yolk to the female and 1-2 mealworms to the male because the female shows no interest in eating the mealworms?
-I also once a week give them grape nuts(instead of bread)and some apple juice to soften it
-and i always keep some sunscription pellet food in their cage at all times
-and fresh water daily
=) any advice would be just lovely. i worried im not giving them what they NEED.
added detail would be that i do give the frozen vegetables in small quantity considering corn is in it.
the fruits my gliders get are mango, plantain, bananas, grapes, apples, plums, peaches, cantalope, watermelon, kiwi, blueberries, and strawberries. I'm assuming there are a couple I'm forgetting. I hear you can give them limited amounts of orange?