
Sugar Substitues.....Are They Bad For You?

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what's the deal with sugar substitutes?

are they REALLY that bad for your body? if so, what can they do to your body? can they cause death, cancer, or diabeties, disease, etc.? (like bad things that happen to your body...)

or is all this just hype?

what makes sugar substitutes so "bad"?

and if sugar substitues are "bad" for you, then are they worse than real sugar?

if there are "bad" sugar substitutes, are there "good" sugar substitutes as well? if so, please specify! thanks!

oh yeah...there are sugar substitutes in Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Pepsi One, and other diet drinks, so does that make these drinks bad for you since sugar substitutes are "bad"?

what i mean is: are drinks like Diet Coke, Coke Zero and Pepsi one bad for you? Are you better off just driking the regular Coke and Pepsi products?




  1. splenda is the best because it is made from real sugar. all those old fashioned sugar substitutes like saccharin are defiantly out.-blurey

  2. Check out  It's really bad stuff!  

    Splenda is a chlorocarbon and is just as deadly as aspartame.  Yes it's made from sugar, but it's chemically modified.

    I get a splitting headache if I get the tiniest amount of aspartame or sucralose.

    I hear Stevia is OK for you.  It's naturally occurring and you can grow it yourself!

    All those non-diet coke sodas are made from corn syrup which isn't very good for you either.  If I need a coke, I get the Mexican stuff made with real cane sugar.

  3. i heard that they can cause some type of cancer

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