
Sugar free drinks?

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My mother is diabetic so she drinks diet pepsi, but we need to get rid of it so that my sister will stop drinking it... Anyways, do you know of any heathlier, sugar free drinks. V8 wont work... sorry




  1. There aren't really very many healthy sugarfree drinks.  Fresh juice is ok, but still has some sugar and unless you juice it yourself you can be pretty sure some extra sugar has been added.  Water with lemon or lime is pretty good...

  2. Crystal Light

  3. Ginger ale

    Crystal light

    go to whole foods or safeway and checkout the jucice racks

    Seltzer Water

    At walmart there is flavored waters my dad used to drink they are for diabetics "0" calories and no suggar"

  4. Seltzer water.  They have lots of variety of it with flavors like lime, orange, lemon and just plain.  I drink tons of the stuff when I am craving a soda because it is highly carbonated.  Even sugar free soda raises blood sugar.

  5. pepsi max or coke zero..=)

  6. You can sweeten coffee and tea with Splenda, there is also crystal lite drinks you can mix up. you can also make sugar free lemonade.

  7. Water
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