
Sugar peas used to replant next year?

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i just finished picking the last of the pea pods for this year . The ones that are too big and overripe i really dont like to eat them. what would be the process i should use to pick the peas in the pod and save them for the next growing season




  1. You can let them dry on the vine, just hang there until the pods get brittle, or pick them, shell them, and dry them in the sun. I put mine between two window screens to keeps flies and bugs (and birds) away. After they are dry, put them in an envelope and label them. Before you do any of this, though, make sure your peas are not hybrid. If they are , they`ll probably revert to one of their parent varieties, with possible undesirable traits.

  2. If the peas are heirloom seeds let a few pods dry on the vine, then store them in a dry place for next year.  (Or if you live in a temperate climate, for replanting later this season for a fall crop.)

    I save seeds every year this way.  This works for beans as well.

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