Okay so now i need more Japanese/English and so on girl names for the anime characters i created.. I thought some out but these would be nicknames or so.
The names i thought are following:
Shadow (nickname, need a full name, Japanese)
Mary (real name, only need a family name, English)
Mimi (real name, only need a family name, Japanese)
Mina (real name, only need a family name, English)
Kim (real name, only need a family name, English)
Ichigo (nickname, need a full name, Japanese)
Cherry (nickname, need a full name, Japanese)
Rose (nickname, need a full name, Japanese) [ BTW whats rose in Japanese? x) ]
Thunder (nickname, need a full name, English)
Red (nickname, need a full name, Japanese)
Sunshine (nickname, need a full name, Japanese)
hehe lol.. A lot neh? x) most of the names i thought are a hint or so for the character. And Mimi and Mina are young little ladies, well actually they are twins or so x) And and and and Sunshine need a really positive and happy and stuff like that name ^^,
Lol... Big thanks whoever thought even 1 name x)
And please don't take them from some other anime ^^,