Please suggest me a book on numerical biology (I think that's the term, or else please tell me the term: "quantitative biology"?)
I'm looking for something more towards the mathematical end of the spectrum than the biological end.
Something that explains the maths, phsyics and physiology of flocking, pack behavior, animal socialization e.g.
- what is the optimal number of starlings in a flock?
- how does it change predator/prey behavior when the prey can fight back, especially the larger the prey
- what is the optimal size for geese/whales/apes/hyenas/vultures/ants in a flock/group/nest?
- how does all this stuff vary across vegetarians, carnivores, predators, prey?
- what are the key parameters: size, speed, aggression, longevity, defenses..?
- quantifying the extent these parameters vary within a particular species? Do we observe antisocial social animals? Do non-dominant gorillas ever drop out of the group or join other groups? Do coups happen in the animal kingdom?