
Suggest an interesting question or topic that's new!?

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Can anyone suggest an interesting RELEVANT question or topic for mythology and folklore that hasnt been asked sooo many times we're all bored of seeing it?




  1. how about a discussion on REINCARNATION

  2. I'm actually brewing up a question on the dark moon cycles of the Goddess.  It's a theory I recently came across in a book I'm reading, but I think I'll finish the chapter (at least) before I put up such a question.  I'll probably put the question here and in R&S.

  3. i quite like the idea of that reincarnation one, only the christians will be in here in a flash when they smell talk of the afterlife.

    im curious about that dark moon cycle one as well.

    why not a subject on discussing just where in the worlds all these mermaid spell questions came from.

    or what about a club of people who want to laugh at all the people who believe in the 2012 apocalypse.

    honestly though, im up for anything, it tends to get kinda dull around here.

  4. Wicked Warrior, you may find this forum thread interesting:

    I'm rather fond of the idea of a quadruple Goddess rather than a triple Goddess, that's pretty much how I've come to think of her anyways.  

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