
Suggest any medicne for migraine,suffering from last 10 years?

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Suggest any medicne for migraine,suffering from last 10 years?




  1. That would depend on the severity and frequency of the headaches, and on any other medical problems you might have. It's likely you'll have to try several, so knowing what you've tried in the past will be useful, too.

    If you have them frequently, you may need three different kinds of medication: one to take daily in order to limit the frequency, one to abort them when you do begin to have a headache, and a third to take for symptom relief when the first two tactics don't work.

    Among the prophylactic drugs are beta adrenergic blockers like propanolol, calcium channel blockers like verapamil, tricyclic antidepressants like amitryptiline, and others.

    The abortive drugs used these days are pretty well all the "triptans," with sumatriptan (Imitrex/GlaxoSmithKline) being the first of many.

    Simple analgesics like acetaminophen/paracetamol may be used for symptomatic relief. Narcotics are safe and effective, but suppression of endogenous endorphin production with their use may predispose to increased headaches.

    Some anti-emetics such as metoclopramide and prochlorperazine not only work well to control associated nausea but also seem to have some additional capability to abort or treat the headache itself.

  2. try relpax.  I suffered from migranes for 15 years and tried so many different things- this pill is the only thing that worked, and it's fast.  Within an hour, you get relief.  You need a prescription from your doctor.

  3. do     you  think to see a doctor abut time is in it?

  4. Perhaps Rizatriptan, but then again, your physician may offer you something more suitable for you.

    It's unclear as to whether you are asking about an abortifacient or prophylactic method, so it's really not of value to discuss this without more data.

  5. Have you been tested for diabetes?  My mom had migraines for years and later found out she was a diabetic.  Helping get her blood sugar under control greatly reduced her migraines.  There are many seizure meds that help with migraines.

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