
Suggest some ways in which we can conserve the environment?

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Suggest some ways in which we can conserve the environment?




  1. Keep algore's mouth shut - and that's a lot of hot air that won't circulate .

  2. -Recycle

    -Donate some many to Environmental Groups because with the money you donated they take out 100% of gas out of the air. But only in a town.

    -Tell others because they tell other people and those other people inform other people.

    -Use fluorescent light bulbs.

    -Drive a hybrid car because its cheaper and you save more money because you dont pay as much for gas as you would for a regular car.

    -Turn off the lights when you leave a room

    -Unplug charges when not in use.

    -Take shorter shower heating water uses lots of energy.

    -Write a letter to companies that pollute the air.

    -Walk shorter distances instead of using a car.

    -Wait until you have a lot of clothes to wash instead of washing only 1 shirt.


  3. National and private parks are just about the only way and in many cases ,even this does not work in the end

    education of Environmental wareness in the schools starting at kiddie school ,however the areas that are effected tend to be always in the pooorer regions and here many schildren do not even go to school.

    dont buy any animal products or exotic pets

    but it wont make a difference

    Indios or local people  are too tempted to sell  timber to too many anxious  buyers

    population growth and expanding farming ,that has to keep pace with the increasing demand for food,are very strong forces that encroach upon the rainforest's and Nature in general,

    clearing them for farming and settlement areas .

    that and the giant networks of roads that have exchanged forests for asphalt all over the planet

    In Mexico is a famous jungle that the Media has been trying to save for years

    the Naturists ,and the government ,keep watch .laws are made for protection the wild and to forbid logging.

    TV put out a series of documentaries

    there are campaigns in the News papers

    and all of this has not made the slightest difference animals disapear because loss of habitat

    Rainforest's always are in third world countries and always in third world countries corruption and the need for money s highest

    the jungle gets smaller by the day and loss of animal habitats result in loss of animals

    we are witness to the first mass exstinction of flora and fauna since the dinosaurs

    more and more farmers move in .and burn the trees

    it is an impossible situation

    as long as there is poverty and an increasing birth rate in these regions the destruction will continue

    they are too easily tempted to sell of exotic animals ,plants and timber to the unscroupelous people who buy them.for the markets that exists in the USA, Asia and Europe

    Stronger Laws are needed ,from ecology departments with more power (in Latin Countries Ecology departments are not taken seriously)

    And much stronger Vigilence by policing forces ,but the police are also poor so are easily tempted by relatively small payments

    we must look for ways to improve economic situations on the edges of Nature .

    the only way to preserve the forrests is to devellop eco tourism under strict control that has limited acces ,and use the local people in the concept as guides ,hotel staff and get them to start home industries of artifacts .

    eco tourism is the only concept that profits by a healthy back ground with out harming it .

    and now with climate change and a`possible war for global supremacy by the USA,looming in the near future,we may be an endangered specie our selves

    and even though Nature is the first solution for remedies it will take seccond place when we are directly in danger

  4. this is a great question, but I think we should clarify something: there is a difference between the issues of global warming and pollution.

    Whether we humans started it or not, the earth's climate is changing and there probably isn't a darn thing we can do about it.  If it's a natural process, then putting money into it is wasteful.  If it's a man-made problem, then it's not going to stop until we run out of oil - which won't happen in our lifetime!  Either way, we should understand that the environment is changing due to the climate, and we can't "conserve" it.  we'll have to adapt to it - the whole planet will.

    That's not to say that caring for our planet is a lost cause - far from it!  A much more immediate and resolvable problem is that of pollution.  In our air, water, and in the soil.  Some of these pollutants may be affecting our climate, but most of them are definitely affecting the plants and animals we eat, and therefore affecting us!  

    Here are some simple things we can do to conserve our environment:

    -recycle plastics, glass, and paper

    -reduce power consumption - turn off lights, bike instead of drive

    -make our houses more energy efficient

    -use more wind and solar power

    -manage natural resources more effectively - eg. forestry

    -plant native species in our yards and gardens

    -set aside conservation areas, national parks, etc.

    -encourage public transit development and ridership

    -encourage smart urban planning

    -pick up garbage when you see it

  5. We might turn off the lights, throw away the Ipods, live in caves and eat raw meat.   Otherwise:  accept change in the environment -  that's what people have been doing for the last 50,000 years.

  6. Recycle, recycle, recycle.  Recycling Aluminum cans prevents the pollution generated by burning fossil fuels which are used to generate the huge amounts of electricity required to electrolytically separate Al from the ore.

    Drive high gas mileage cars.


    live close to your work.

    For your own body, take little naps.

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