My baby girl just turned 8 month old. She has never slept for long periods of time and she usually takes 3 naps a day that average 30 minutes or less. She has a bedtime routine and will nod off pretty fast at night. However, she will wake up about 4 hours later and then every hour or 30 minutes from then on. When I go in her room to check on her when she wakes up she is sitting up in her bed and last night she was standing up in her bed. I try to put her back to bed by laying her down and rubbing her back. If that does not work, I will rock her and if that does not work I will nurse her back to sleep. After getting up 3 or 4 times, I usually just give up and put her in bed with myself and her dad (I know I shouldn't but when I know this is the only way to get a little sleep it sounds good). When she is in bed with me she like to nurse on and off throughout the night. If anyone has any suggestions on how to get her to sleep better I would greatly appreciate it.