
Suggestions, please!?

by  |  earlier

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Here's my situation-- I have a knee injury that has me pretty much laid up. I have to use crutches, have a knee brace and have to stay off my leg. The problem is, I have absolutely NO help around the house! My husband isn't being very, um, 'helpful".... I also have a 14 year old stepdaughter living with us that won't help either. I've tried asking nicely, tried a "family meeting", and tried making a list of things to be done, but none of it is helping. Any ideas on how I can get a bit more help?




  1. Just be a complete B*TCH to them... lol, they wont like it but pretty soon they will listen to you... i would know, my mom does that too and it really works! Good luck on whatever you decide

  2. stop doing it all.....

    let the mess build up and don't do any more cooking, cleaning, laundry, they will get the hint!!!!!!!

  3. Try not to be nice.

    Be more powerful and tell them you're not getting any better if they still don't do what you want them to!

    Maybe they'll start following you.

  4. You just have to use a little "tough love"!  If the meals aren't prepared...TOUGH!  If the laundry and dishes don't get done....TOUGH!  They'll go hungry for only so long!!!!  ;)
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