
Suggestions about gambling...?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so my boyfriend spends massive amounts of money on gambling and im trying to slow him down a bit im talking like $2,000 some nights and other nights when his luck or skills aren't on par he looses like $300 and gets really pissed off for the rest of the night.

Ive tried to tell him to bring $300 use the first $200 and than after if hes loosing or wants to keep going go by denominations of $25 until he runs out and if he doesn't win anything in a night to not go back for atleast 3 weeks.

let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions..




  1. Get rid of the LOSER,it will only get worse and you will have a miserable life if you stay with him.

  2. the answer..if it is not fun anymore then it is a problem...try to find him another fun hobby and minimize the gambling

  3. girlfriends of gamblers have to have tough skin.  I suggest you talk to him about his anger management before it ruins your relationship.  when most guy's egos get bruised, they are not pleasant people.

    as you already witnessed, gambling is a giant thrill ride with big ups and even bigger lows.   if he does not have the bankroll to gamble, he should chillax.  also maybe he should try to win big in a casino style tournament with a small buyin (like $300 to win over $50,000).  that way he could have a gambling bankroll in the bank and not get so stressed.

  4. I used to be the same way.... It has some highs and low.  Send him this "FREE" site.  He may still get the thrill of betting and wont be anything out of his pocket.  Best of luck.

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