
Suggestions about waking up between 3 and 4 am?

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Without fail, I wake up every night. When I look at the clock, it is ALWAYS between 3:00am and 4:00am. I heard something about the "door to the spirit world" being open at that time. I am very interested in the there anything to look out for or do during that time when I wake? Also, last night the same thing happened & when I looked at my clock radio it read 3:33. This kind of shook me up because I had just awakened from a nightmare & I've heard that there is something evil associated with this number..HOWEVER, my clock radio is set ahead 10 minutes so it wasn't actually 3:33...hopefully that makes a difference!




  1. I believe that whenever we wake up at a particular time every night, that we are receiving a message from God, Spirit, Universal Force... aka, whatever you believe God to be, a relative that passed, your subconscious mind working out a problem, whatever. Just lay still and listen carefully. You won't hear it with your ears, but in your mind and heart, kind of like what you hear when you are thinking to yourself. It's very hard to hear at first, but no worries, you'll get the hang of it! This happens to a lot of people, and oddly, a lot of people also wake up between 3 and 4 am.

    As for 3:33, you may want to look into sacred geometry, which are supposedly numerical triggers. 333 is NOT evil. 333 means, "'33, 333, 33:33' the holy trinity is activated within the tetrahedron (3 sided pyramid) within your DNA structure. This number offers an opportunity to connect with higher evolved spiritual beings/masters/angels/Christ whenever you view it.

    This number offers you a choice. Within it you are not allowed to straddle the razor blade fence of indecision. The trinity is the holiness within all of your choices. Your body, mind, spirit in agreement for your Soul's evolution. Connection with the wisdom of the Oversoul. Seeing the sacredness in all of your choices no matter what the outcome."

    People may believe it is evil because it's more of a New Age practice, and sadly, those terrified mainstream zealots seem to think anything that is different from what they believe is evil. I'm a kook but even I take sacred geometry with a grain of salt, however, I do believe that the Universe is nothing but mathematics, so I leave my mind open to it. I personally see 1111 constantly (I also used to see 333 a lot, too... and it doesn't matter if your clock was ahead or behind, you still saw the number... sorry, but again, it's not an evil number). 1111 means that it is time to consciously manifest what you desire, so whenever I see 1111, I think about the things I need/want and wait for them to come to me, which they most always do! So, maybe when you see 333, you can use it as a chance to open yourself up for some awesome communication between you and something else, or even more awesome, between you and yourself. :)

    Good luck!

  2. I think it is because there is less interference with any kind of local distractions that might help you meditate.

    I went to the Monroe Institute and they suggested a good time  - technically speaking - was during the heigth of local sidereal time.  Check it out.

    But I think both of these suggestions are for rookies like you and me.  Perhaps they are a crutch.  A person with genuine talents does not need this.

  3. I wake up many times, perhaps all the time at that time, and there were many times that I have seen spirits leaving, either a flash, or spark, or actually seeing the spirit walking off or even floating away. And one has always communicated with me. I have basically seen them mainly from 12am to 5am...But 3 am is the spiritual hour.

  4. This common awareness is actually normal. There have been some sleep studies done that show that people wake up, on average, 5-6 times per night due to discomfort, dreams, or other disturbances that can be attributed to normal causes.

    The hour from 3am to 4am is called "the hour of the wolf" in Russia, and it's just the hour where it's too late to go to bed, and too early to decide to just stay awake all night. It's also the belief in some cultures that there this hour is the hour that the fairies come through from their realm, but this only happens on Mayday, according to folklore. There are more modern interpretations that (incorrectly) believe that it's every night, which it's not.

    I've never heard anything about 333 being evil. The only "evil" number that I've ever heard of is 666, and that's mentioned in the Book of the Revelation in the Bible. There are undesirable combinations of numbers in numerology (and 333 isn't one of them), but none that I know about which are considered evil.

    I would be interested to know if your clock radio is near your body. If so, try moving it across the room: older clock radios can actually emit high electromagnetic fields (EMF's), and these can cause paranoia (manifesting in your dreams as a nightmare). Also, using an EMF detector, checking for stationary EMF's can have some revealing results, and can account for almost 60% of all paranormal activity. Removing EMF's tends to remove paranormal activity, though the argument in favor of the paranormal is that ghosts sometimes emit EMF's, too, though these are reported to move by most paranormal investigators who use them. Stationary EMF's are caused by unshielded electrical devices. I react to EMF's at a field strength of 2.4 or higher, for example, and I've felt very uneasy (and in fact, scared) in EMF's with a field strength of 120 or higher. The strongest EMF that I've "felt" this way has been over 200. In all these cases, the EMF's were generated by an electrical device (the worst by a table saw that had been incorrectly rewired).

    Clock radios are sometimes the culprit, but the only way to tell is to bring an EMF detector in. I once found that a frequency interaction between a clock radio and a lamp generated an EMF, while neither one alone did much. And the only thing that's required is for the appliance to be plugged in.

    EMF is also sometimes generated by electrical wiring itself, especially that which is incorrectly shielded.

  5. So you're saying that in a different timezone this door to the spirit world would be open at the time people are having lunch?

  6. You really shouldn't worry about waking during the night, there's really nothing to fear. If you can't get back to sleep then read a book until you can. Always works for me. All my spirit communication experiences have been during daylight under normal everyday circumstances. Frankly, there's nothing to fear from the spiritworld, wish I could say the same about the humanworld.

  7. Go to the BOndary Institute and see some of the things they ahve to do with paranormal things like cognitive abilities and other various spiritual avenues of this nature.  It is always best to pursue something that peaks your interest.  At least go see if you can learn anything first.  This will ultimately answer your question/s.  Right now what you have is curiosity.  So go read and learn a bit before making any major conclusions.

  8. Maybe it's just a habit

    Just like for school I used to wake up exactly single day even on weekdays 7:00-7:30!

    When it happens a few times then it  becomes a habit and your body keeps doing it over and over again,

  9. I have the same exact problem.  Without fail i always wake up at 3 on the dot or 3:30.  To fix this i simply force myself to stay up until about 2:30, if you try this you will see you will not wake up at the dead time.  Another idea is to set an alarm to go off prior to 3am (but then your having the same problem of waking up).  I would highly suggest going to bed latter to solve the problem.  Even if i go to bed at 2am i still wake up at 3am... so try 2:30 and let us know the results!

  10. Well you are right about the door to the paranormal world being open at that time.For some reason spirits prefer to make themselves known at this time.The evil number you are talking about is 666 not 333.If that is an evil number then don't worry because you said it was 10 minutes set ahead of time.When you wake up look around your room and go back to sleep.Hope I helped but I probably didn't.

  11. I have the same problem but it is just a strange thing that happens when you have a sleep disorder. The best thing to do is not think of that kind of nonsense and just go buy some Somminex sleep aid if that does'nt work then go see a doctor. If all else fails see a spiritualist or witchdoctor.

  12. Everyone has periods of lighter and heavier sleep, I am sure you have heard of REM sleep cycles.  If you go to sleep at approximately the same time, you might be hitting a light sleep period around this time every night.  Also, if you have done this often enough, it might have become part of your circadian rhythm.

  13. 3 - 4am is the exact time that spirit activity is at it's highest. this time frame is called dead zone when spirit activity is 100% around.

  14. Prob your bio-rhythms / sleep patterns. Could be linked to eating-drinking-end even peeing habits. I have gone thru periods of waking at 3-4 am and sometimes 5- 6 am. Sometimes it is at exactly the same time for several nights in a row. If I don't have to go to the bathroom, I figure its a normal sleep cycle thing.

      As far as the door to the spirit world being open,I don't know why  it would be open more at one time than another. Although when its calm and peaceful like it is in the early AM , ppl are more receptive,and maybe there is less interference with contact. Since you didn't experience spirit contact, I would say that spirits were prob not involved

  15. Between 3-4 am is a good time to connect with spirits or do anything that is spiritual. I am an intuitive and i stay up sometime until 5 am to work with people in a different country. I did not know that there was a name for this period though. But i do know that is quite an active time.

  16. 333 isn't evil. It is a actually a sign that the Ascended Masters are watching over you. Ascended Masters include Jesus, Buddha, Mother Mary, Quan Yin etc.

    *333 — The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin and Yogananda.*

    If anything, you were woken up by a Divine being because you were having an nightmare.

    The time between 3am and 4 am is when the viel is thinnest between the spiritual realm and physical realm. It is not good or evil, it just is. The spiritual realm has many beings in it, positive and negative.

    It sounds to me that you might want to look at the site that I listed and start working with the Archangels and Ascended Masters...because you are being bothered by lower level entities in your sleep.

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